
Times Plays "Big Gains for Iraq Security..." on Front Page

But of course, "...Questions Linger."

Newsweek: Anti-Drilling Obama 'More in Touch with Voters' on Energy

Fineman cites poll findings: Obama ahead of McCain by 14 percent on 'energy,' but other polls show a majority of Americans favor drilling offshore and in ANWR.

It's (Not) a Man, Baby!

Guy Trebay characterizes common-sense reactions to transgendered "man" Thomas Beatie's infamous pregnancy as a "phobic response" to identity change.

Times Names CIA Interrogator Who Broke Terrorist KSM With Kindness

Againt the agency's wishes, the Times identified a CIA interrogator, marring Scott Shane's lead story, "Inside the Interrogation Of a 9/11 Mastermind."

ABC: Evangelicals 'Buzzing' Over Obama

World News Sunday promotes unprecedented campaign to woo millions and highlights importance of the abortion issue in the process.

ABC, NBC Claim Link between Iowa Floods and Global Warming

Networks cite NOAA scientist making flood and climate change connection, although he's been making those claims for 13 years.

Times Still Using Hurricane Katrina to Victimize Bush

"Try as he might, President Bush cannot escape the haunting memory of Hurricane Katrina." Not if the Times has anything to say about it, anyway.

Is McCain Really Inviting Outside Groups Into Campaign Fray?

If McCain is truly "inviting [527 groups] into the fray on his behalf," where are they?

Lou Dobbs: Bush Should Be Impeached for Salmonella Outbreak

CNN host says leadership in 'sorry condition' and inability to 'protect the American consumer' is 'sufficient reason to impeach a president.'

Centrist Obama Victim of "Smears and Internet Innuendo"

Reporter Julie Bosman defends Obama against undefined Internet "smears": "This advertisement tries to define Mr. Obama and his life story in the face of smear e-mail and Internet innuendo about ...
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