
NBC Uses Shaky Intelligence to Fan Flames of Global Warming Alarmism

'Nightly News' portrays climate change as a threat to national security based on 'low- to medium-confidence' report findings.

ABC Keeps Flacking Obama's Outreach to Evangelicals

Good Morning America hosts follow up the Obama story with interviews of a leftwing minister and a radical priest.

Babies Raising Babies

NBC responds to the rising teen birth rate with a show that uses children, infants through teens, as human guinea pigs.

CBS Suggests Government Subsidies to Lower Gas Prices

'The Early Show' blames speculators for high prices again, and suggests countries like Venezuela 'doing a much better job.'

Climate Expert: Kyoto Would Save Only One Polar Bear a Year

Bjorn Lomborg explains greenhouse gas treaty would cost $180 billion annually, but do very little to help the mascot of global warming alarmism.

Buffett Criticizes Obama on Windfall Profits Tax, Public Funding

World's richest man questions merits of penalizing profitable companies, despite supporting Dem candidate.

Media Try to Cool Down Oil Drilling Fever

Journalists ignore public support for offshore oil drilling and mislead with criticisms of dormant oil fields.

Times Lauds Play's "Vigorous Defense of Gay marriage"

Hyping a new gay play, the Times lets two performers accuse a politician of inciting anti-gay violence.

The Times Uncovers Lame Campaign "Attacks" on Muslims

Is this it? "Among the incidents they cite are a statement by Mr. McCain, in a 2007 interview with, that he would prefer a Christian president to a Muslim one; a comment by Senator ...

Columnist Thomas Friedman Calls for $1 a Gallon Gas Tax On "Today" Show

Thomas Friedman on Bush: "It is hard for me to find the words to express what a massive, fraudulent, pathetic excuse for an energy policy this is."
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