
'World News' Jumps to Criticize 30-Day Foreclosure Freeze

Left-wing organization spokesman calls program unveiled by U.S. Treasury Dept. 'a PR effort.'

CNN Headline News Backs Transgenderism – For an 8-Year-Old

Prime News host Richelle Carey's piece was so biased, the TransYouth Family Advocates are using it to raise money.

Washington Post Sends Big Valentine to Multi-Partner 'Relationships'

Polyamory. It's not about sex, it's about loving yourself. Really? It may also be about redefining marriage.

ABC 'World News' Goes after Credit Card Companies

Network fails to explain: just because the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates, it doesn't undo supply and demand in the credit market.

Cover-to-Cover Bias in the Sunday Book Review

This week's "politics" issue of the book review follows a pattern: Liberal reviewers praising liberal books and dismissing conservative ones.

Couric: Stocks Too Risky? Try Stamps

'Evening News' anchor advocates 'safer investment' in postage stamps and portrays meager savings as profit.

Using Left-Wing Talking Points to Push Reporter's 9-11 Book

The liberal publishing house behind Philip Shenon's book on 9-11 is pushing left-wing talking points to sell it, such as: "Why the Commission did not expose Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's egregious ...

Oops! CBS Warns of Rough Day for Stocks, but Dow up Big

'Early Show' forecast of 'rough morning' for U.S. markets turns into a gain of 176 points.

Krugman: Obama Supporters Are Like Nixon

Columnist Paul Krugman alienates his liberal allies: "I'm not the first to point out that the Obama campaign seems dangerously close to becoming a cult of personality."

Turning Fool's Gold Into the Real Thing

Despite his short-term pledge of support, soon-to-be father McConaughey is telegraphing the message that he might or might not be around for the long haul.
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