
The Worst-Case Economy Reporting Handbook

Media using extreme cases as examples of how bad the economy is for 'average Americans.'

How the Media Stir the Brew of Identity Group Politics

By focusing on race, class and gender voting, journalists are driving us apart, not bringing us together.

CosmoGirl's Pot Calls the Kettle Black

The teen-oriented glossy takes a shot at Hollywood and Madison Avenue for pushing sex on young girls. Have they read their own magazine?

Post: Bush Budget Spends Too Much AND Too Little

Domestic spending 'cut' - except for that pesky $8.4 billion in increases.

Economics Reporter Sniffs at U.S. Consumerism, Harkens Back to 80s "Age of Greed"

Peter Goodman revives a golden oldie in his dismissive take on American spending habits: "The Me Decade was declared dead in the recession of the early 1980s, only to yield to the Age of Greed and ...

Alarmist 'Six Degrees' Producer Says Global Warming Catastrophe Not 'Even Likely'

Author Mark Lynas tells audience the 'Armageddon' scenario featured in his film probably won't happen.

Luo Mocks "Buttoned-Down Multimillionaire" Mitt

To reporter Michael Luo, Mitt Romney is a "buttoned-down multimillionaire" and a "one-time leveraged-buyout artist" who is "lobbing conservative grenades once again."

Bush to "Sharply Reduce Domestic Spending"? Where?

A Times' reporter's claim of sharply reduced domestic spending is contradicted on the same page of his own paper: "...this year's budget limits the growth of all federal programs, other than the ...

'GMA' Super Tuesday: Health Care, 'Recession' and Hillary in a Tutu

Anchor Robin Roberts lobs softball questions to Democratic presidential hopeful Clinton.

A Double Standard on Political Slurs?

An incident where Hillary Clinton was called a "bitch" in front of John McCain has gotten far more attention than when someone laid into "Bush the bastard" at a Hillary event.
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