
Hillary, Queen of All Media

How top American journalists kowtowed to Candidate Clinton.

Morning Media's Valentines to Vulgarity

Jane Fonda drops the C-bomb on NBC's Today Show, and ABC's The View trots out bare-chested Chippendales and condoms.

Liar, Liar, Who's the Liar?

Baseball great Roger Clemens and his former trainer testify before Congress. While the media and America wonder which one lied, the real issue is what the scandal says about our culture.

Former S.F. Mayor: Obama Will Face 'Pushback' from Supporters

Brown says candidate will find resistance on issues like 'income inequality.'

"Critics" (and NYT Reporters?) Say Bush Has "Squandered the Country's Moral Authority"

"Mr. Bush never sounds surer of himself than when the subject is Sept. 11, even when his critics argue that he has squandered the country's moral authority, violated American and international ...

Consumer Confidence: Only News When It's Low(er)

Just how low is consumer confidence - or how high? The media have historically focused on low reports while ignoring highs - and their own role in shaping opinions on the economy.

Sen. Kerry Blames Tornadoes on Global Warming

Former Democratic presidential nominee blames 'intense storms' that have killed more than 50 on climate change.

Krugman on "Journalists Who Hate the Clintons"

Paul Krugman fires back on Hillary-hating Obama-supporters: "As I've said, you've been played like a fiddle by journalists who hate the Clintons, and just make stuff up about how evil they are."

Surprise: Despite Bleak Predictions, Retail Sales Climb in January

Even with 0.3 percent increase, 'Morning Joe' co-host remains convinced that economy is 'heading' for downturn.

Enviro Shocker: Biofuels Production Contributes to Warming, Studies Say

Two studies show clearing land for biofuel production will do more harm than it would prevent.
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