
"Conservative" Abortion Opponents but No "Liberals" for Gay Marriage

The Times threw around "conservative" ten times in a story on pro-life opposition to Mitt Romney, but "liberal" wasn't uttered in a story on gay marriage questions at the Democrats "gay debate."

Big Media Week for the Homosexual Agenda

Journalists promote the gay presidential debate, but ignore a poll suggesting homosexual endorsements are the political kiss of death.

The Fall Season in TV Legislation

To say that Hollywood's apologists are running out of gas is an understatement. All they have left is hot air.

SF Chronicle Lauds Filthy Play as 'Raunchy, Irreverent Fun'

Avenue Q begins its nationwide tour in San Francisco.

Media Criticism of Murdoch Almost Killed Wall Street Journal Bid

New York Post says attacks 'normally leveled at a genocidal tyrant' 'almost squashed the deal.'

U.S. Making Life Miserable for Illegals, Says Unlabeled Hillary Pollster

The Times runs a pro-illegal immigrant story and quotes the pollster behind it as saying "Mexican immigrants don't feel welcome in the U.S. anymore" - but fails to point out he's also part of ...

'Evening News' Uses Wrong '45 million' Number of Uninsured Americans

CBS repeats data that includes non-citizens.

Earth to Couric: Personal Responsibility, Not Socialized Medicine, Will Save Lives

CBS promotes universal health care again, but other stories in the news show that common sense and healthy habits are the keys to driving down mortality rates.

USA Today Continues to Hype Hybrids and Ignores the Downsides of Ownership

Hybrids still cost more and can have repair problems, but media coverage stays positive.

CBS Disagrees with Fed, Presents Worries about 'Credit Crunch'

'Evening News' hints that the Federal Reserve's decision not to lower interest rates is making it harder to get a mortgage.
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