
"Are You For or Against Children?"

Robert Pear thinks the GOP should just give up on stopping the expansion of a federal health care program for children.

Media Manic About Wage Increase

Journalists proclaim the 'good news' to viewers on ABC, CBS and CNN, skip talk of lost jobs and failed businesses.

Giuilani's "Selective Statistics" on Health Care

Marc Santora claimed "Mr. Giuliani cited horror stories and selective statistics" when talking about health care. No Democrat would ever do that, of course.

Will Justice Roberts' Seizure Make Him More Compassionate?

Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse: "Could adversity temper a jurisprudence that critics of the chief justice have discerned as bloodless and unduly distant from the messy reality of the ...

LA Times Backs Away from Bias – But Not All the Way

A story on the House ethics bill paints Capitol Hill corruption as an exclusively Republican problem. The next day's revised version injects a little balance, but not enough.

A Radical Silence

Nets either ignore far left professor's dismissal, or mischaracterize him as a martyr.

Behind Closed Doors

Sometimes it's good when the news makes you squirm.

Times Celebrates: A Vietnam Protest Lives Again as Art

The Times helps repurpose anti-Vietnam War agitprop for Iraq in "Giving New Life To Protests Of Yore."

Can't Win or Lose with Lower Gas Prices on CBS

'Evening News' greets lower gasoline prices with skepticism

Abuses of Eminent Domain? The Times' Glass House (Headquarters)

In a story on local governments' abuse of eminent domain, the Times neglects to mention the NYT Co.'s own apparent abuse - its new Times Square headquarters.
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