
More Than You Ever Wanted to Know

Non-journalism junkies need not apply.

Schumer Vows to Block Bush Supreme Court Nominees

Media grant a silent pass, even though the New York senator would reject candidates solely because of judicial philosophy, a radical departure from Senate tradition.

TIME and Boys

Boys are doing better in America, in spite of the culture wars.

A Young Man's Love, Responsibility Inspire Praise

Quite a contrast to Hollywood's Pop Tarts, who are covered incessantly by the media.

NBC Hypes Credit Problems as Fuel for Dow Sell-off

Economist Lawrence Kudlow contends credit problems are not as 'widespread' as reported and profits will solve these credit problems.

Bottled Water Bash: Networks Continue Assault

ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN attack Pepsico for allegedly deceiving the public.

Data Mining: Bad When It Fights Terror, Good When It Boosts Times Bottom Line

A reminder of hypocrisy at the Times.

Liberal Critic Recommends Anti-War Doc to Bush-Cheney

Chief movie critic A.O. Scott gives a big thumbs-up to an anti-war documentary, recommending it to the White House: "One can only hope that one of these days they'll get around to watching it."

Brooklyn Student Arrested for 'Hate Crime': Flushing a Koran

Media overlook the story: hate crimes laws are being used to punish speech.

NBC Uses One Mom's Woes to Argue for More Food Stamps

Emotional manipulation: nice storytelling, terrible reporting.
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