
Networks Use Bridge Tragedy to Build Support for Higher Taxes

Minnesota disaster brings out media tendency to promote government, though they bash businesses under the same tragic circumstances.

Times Finds "Nasty" Politics, Unpleasant Opponents of Illegal Immigration in Illinois

Alex Kotlowitz: "Over the past two years, more than 40 local and state governments have passed ordinances and legislation aimed at making life miserable for illegal immigrants in the hope that ...

'World News' Criticizes 'Dirty' Coal Industry During Search for Trapped Miners

One guest, a left-wing writer, compares environmental advances in coal-burning technology to 'fat-free doughnuts.'

NYT's Baghdad Bureau Chief: "No Doubt" Surge Making Life Better in Iraq

John Burns also thinks that the Iraq mission may have been doomed from the start, but thinks things will get much worse there if the U.S. leaves.

Are Evangelicals Really Becoming Environmentalists?

Wishful thinking from The Washington Post.


Barry Bonds is responsible for cheating his fans, his fellow players, and himself.

'World News' Uses Debated Health Claim to Promote Breastfeeding

Industry spokeswoman disputes ABC report's claims that samples discourage breastfeeding.

Times' Disappointment As Bush's Wiretapping Bill Sails Through Congress

Jim Rutenberg: "Democratic memories are still fresh with attacks Mr. Bush used in 2004 against Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, a presidential rival he portrayed as 'weak on terror.' That Mr. ...

CBS, NBC Mine Tragedy for Business Attack

Viewers have to turn to ABC to find that Crandall Canyon Mine has a 'good' safety record.

Tom Tancredo Too Extreme for Even Tough-Talking GOP - But What About Obama Remarks?

Marc Santora: "Tough is a brand all the Republican candidates want to own as they run for president. Tough on terrorism, tough on crime, tough on Democrats. But Representative Tom Tancredo, ...
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