
Vicki Iseman Sues Times for $27 Million for Defamation

The telecom lobbyist is charging that a February front-page story paper "falsely communicated" that she had a romantic relationship with Sen. John McCain.

'Nightly News' Jumps Onboard Mercury- in- Fish Alarmism

NBC report is just the latest relying on information from advocacy groups to undermine confidence in seafood safety.

Balance AWOL in WaPo, MSNBC Coverage of Atheists' Inauguration Suit

Litigants want God to be as absent from ceremony as opposing views are from reports.

For Media, 2008 Was Year of Hollywood Values

Celebrity breakdowns and comebacks, love triangles and teen pregnancy were the most covered entertainment stories.

GOP in Trouble Again Over "Barack the Magic Negro"

Reporter Jason DeParle calls race-baiting Al Sharpton a "civil rights advocate" in a slanted story about a new controversy over Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" song parody.

Is Government to Blame for Rise in Black-on-Black Murder?

Government to blame for the rise in black-on-black murder rates? A news report by Eric Eckholm stresses the possibility: "A report blames cuts in community policing and social programs."

Another Recession Indicator: NBC Blames Drop in Medical Services on Economy

'Nightly News' correlates fewer prescriptions and drop in doctor's appointments with beleaguered economy.

Go Down, Moses

The Times treated conservative acting legend Charlton Heston and CIA turncoat Philip Agee with equal hostility.

Coming to a Theater Near You: Wall Street Villains!

CNBC forecasts Hollywood will capitalize on bad business PR and play the class envy game in 2009.

Dear Washington Times: Growing Incredulity

The Agriculture Department does several things. Feeding the Hungry isn't one.
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