
'World News' Ultimate Financial Hardship: Selling Your Body for Medical Science

For ABC, drug trials replace bread lines as signs of 'tough times.'

Joy Behar: Obama Picking Rick Warren Like 'Cheney in Charge of Gun Control'

View co-hosts analyze president-elect's choice of pastor for inaugural invocation.

CNN Meteorologist: Manmade Global Warming Theory 'Arrogant'

Network's second meteorologist to challenge notion man can alter climate.

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2008 - The NYT's Worst Quotes of the Year

The New York Times' embrace of Barack Obama's candidacy, and its fervent defense of him against John McCain's "racist" and unfair attacks, made 2008 a particularly bias-packed year for the paper. ...

GM PR Adviser Appears as 'Auto Analyst' to Argue for Bailout

PR flak misidentified on 'Early Show' says letting Big 3 fail 'would be like 10 Katrinas.'

Maddow Frustrated by Lower Goldman Sachs Tax Rate, Despite Losses

MSNBC host accuses investment bank of hiding money offshore to get 1 percent tax rate.

'Nightly News' Pushes Auto Bailout in Madoff Scandal Coverage

CNBC correspondent Trish Regan points out alleged Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme is 'twice the amount of money the auto companies are asking Congress for.'

Cramer: Social Security a Bigger Ponzi Scheme than Madoff's

CNBC's 'Mad Money' host says federal entitlement program operates in the same manner as Madoff's scam.

New Tube vs. Old Tube

One study reveals teens watch less TV than older generations but another study finds access to racy material is just a click away.

Integrity of Interior Department Compromised By Bush

Reporter John Broder portrays Ken Salazar as a Cabinet official who must clean up the mess made by Bush: "He will be expected to restore scientific integrity to a department where it has ...
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