12/15/2008 4:13 PM ET
'Newsroom' segment worries about daughter of stay-at-home mom, dad who works 12-14 hour days.
12/15/2008 4:05 PM ET
Peter Baker's partisanship timeline conveniently ignores the unfair treatment by liberals of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
12/15/2008 3:21 PM ET
Media says anti-bailout congressmen in the pockets of foreign automakers; ignores union influence on pro-bailout voters.
12/15/2008 3:12 PM ET
"Blagojevich's alleged crimes pale next to the larger scandals of Washington and Wall Street. Yet those who promoted and condoned the twin national catastrophes of reckless war in Iraq and ...
12/15/2008 2:59 PM ET
Like the Blagojevich scandal, few are reporting Bernard Madoff's Democratic ties.
12/15/2008 2:50 PM ET
Presenting Bill Clinton, the "pragmatic" president who pushed for overseas abortion funding and gays in the military.
12/15/2008 2:00 AM ET
Author talks to gay group about Religious Right reaction to her article presenting the religious case for gay marriage.
12/15/2008 2:00 AM ET
Magazine publisher claims it never meant offense.
12/15/2008 2:00 AM ET
ABC's Boston Legal was little more than liberal propaganda thinly disguised as entertainment. Conservatives shouldn't be heartbroken to see it go.
12/12/2008 12:23 PM ET
Sen. Jim DeMint says unfair union influence and the bailout culture will anger many Americans.