
A Tale of Two Tax Cuts: Obama's Will Save Economy, Bush's for the 'Wealthiest'

'Nightly News' considers tax cuts an integral part of the Obama 'massive economic recovery plan,' ignores how rollback of Bush tax cuts would affect economy.

Top 10 Lowlights of the New York Times from Campaign 2008

The theme from 2008: The hopeful Obama vs. the fallen "maverick" McCain.

Today Show Ignores Counterpoint in Major Teen Sex Study

NBC's morning show hosts comprehensive sex education advocate and fails to mention problems with the study.

Today Show Ignores Counterpoint in Major Teen Sex Study

NBC's morning show hosts comprehensive sex education advocate and fails to mention problems with the study.

MSNBC's Buchanan Comes Out Firing Against Free Trade

Former presidential candidate turned media pundit misses the memo from experts: protectionism made 1929 recession into the Great Depression.

CNBC Contributor: Media Was Unwitting Accomplice in Madoff Scandal

Investment news Website founder Jon Najarian explains how media may have helped Madoff lure investors.

Fox News Panelists Excoriate "Mortgage Bonfire" Hit Piece on Bush

Fortune Magazine's Washington Bureau Chief Nina Easton: "I have to say I was flabbergasted when I read this story, flabbergasted....You cannot write a story about affordable housing policies and ...

The Times Falls for French Prank After Mocking Palin for Similar Gaffe

The Times, which last month mocked Sarah Palin for getting taken in by a French taken in by a French prank, publishing a phony letter from the "Mayor of Paris."

Jesus, Gary and Joseph?

Dragging down the Nativity story in Amsterdam.

Merry ******mas

Nearly three-quarters of Christmas songs performed on morning shows are secular.
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