
CBS Shows Obama Spending Plan $90 Billion in the Red

Evening News report says his promises don't add up.

Obama's Sleazy Online Donations: Still Just Internet Rumors at the NYT

The Obama campaign is ignoring basic security measures to stop illegal donations, but the scandal has yet to make the newspaper.

Still Protecting Obama's Radical Pal, Rashid Khalidi

For the second day in a row, the Times goes into defensive mode over radically anti-Israel professor and Obama pal Rashid Khalidi, who has defended killing Israeli soldiers in the name of ...

'World News Now' Finds 'Good News for Air Travel,' Leaves Out Merger

Cable channel cites airfare sales, no mention of merger creating world's largest airline.

(Almost) Everyone Rejoice! Obama's Giving You a Tax Cut

Emphasizing Obama's populist appeal, while burying his tax hike for those making over $250,000 a year.

Time Inc. Ad Slump 'Like 1931' Just as Magazine Recalls Great Depression

CEO Ann Moore's downbeat forecast comes out as FDR cover on stands.

McCain's "Joe the Plumber" Flop; An NYT Photo Flop

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller lingered lovingly over a McCain campaign flub involving no-show Joe the Plumber, a story accompanied by a photo of McCain talking only to himself. Obama, by contrast, ...

Workers at Top Wall Street Firms Give Millions More to Dems

Media echo liberal claim they represent Main Street not Wall Street, but Democratic candidates receive more cash from firms boosted by bailout.

No Access for Hollywood?

The legion of leftist actors is remaining silent during this election for fear of tainting Obama.

WaPo/Newsweek 'On Faith' Editor Smears Dobson, Focus on the Family

David Waters accuses the Christian ministry of fear-mongering in a letter warning of the possible consequences of electing Obama.
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