10/29/2008 3:46 PM ET
A book review headline that's a worthy companion to 1992's infamous: "A Gulag Breeds Rage, Yes, but Also Serenity."
10/29/2008 3:20 PM ET
Conservative talk show host says Democratic presidential candidate rejected constitution for lack of redistributive powers, not for race reasons.
10/29/2008 3:05 PM ET
In attempt to 'move on up' to the White House, candidate's folksy class warfare speech confuses 'Sanford and Son' with 'The Jeffersons.'
10/29/2008 2:42 PM ET
Katharine Seelye: "You know a campaign is reaching when it starts calling the opponent a 'redistributionist,' as Mr. McCain said of 'Barack the wealth-spreader.'"
10/29/2008 1:59 PM ET
Attacks on capitalism, reverence for FDR bypass experts who say anti-market policies prolonged Great Depression.
10/29/2008 1:46 PM ET
More hopeful thinking that Miami's Cuban-American community will drop its obsession with Communist dictator Fidel Castro: "A victory by any of the Democrats could bring to Washington a new ...
10/29/2008 11:38 AM ET
ABC correspondent reports GOP presidential candidate improves on economy in ABC/WaPo poll, says Democrats must win on taxes.
10/29/2008 9:02 AM ET
Chronically negative 'Evening News' correspondent showcases 94-year-old businessman's success story.
10/29/2008 1:00 AM ET
Is your daughter trick-or-treating in the Wicked School Girl costume this year?
10/29/2008 1:00 AM ET
ABC, NBC and CBS news shows ran 69 stories about the GOP vice-presidential nominee in two weeks. Only 2 stories were positive.