
Pulitzer-Winning Author Who Wanted Bush 'Shot' Spews Hate on Huff Post

Should the leading leftwing Web site be providing a platform for such ill-informed, rage-driven rants? Whatever happened to civility?

Ignoring Rashid Khalidi's Anti-Israeli Radicalism

An Obama friend who the Times calls merely "critical of Israel" has actually defended attacks against armed Israelis.

CBS Guest Pops Host's Bubble on 'Through the Roof' Airfare

'Early Show' guest informs host that priced dropped last three weeks.

Black Vote + Rage Over Max Cleland = Saxby Chambliss Loss?

The Times is still spreading the myth of Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss's 2002 ad against Democratic hero Sen. Max Cleland, and looking toward a Chambliss loss in Georgia next week.

Sprightly Obama, Slogging McCain

Compare and contrast: "As he races across the country in the climax of a marathon campaign, Senator Barack Obama has honed a final message calling on America to 'turn the page'..." vs. "In these ...

Greenpeace Resurrects JFK for Global Warming Ad Campaign

Web video depicts dead president warning climate change 'threatens our very existence,' claims 'technology and renewable energy offers the last remaining hope.'

NBC's Snyderman: Vaccine-Autism Link 'Not Controversial'

'Today' medical editor defends pharmaceuticals against activists who 'hijacked' debate, warns against polio and measles outbreaks.

CBS Features Left-Wing Activist Group in Rate Cut Coverage

'Evening News' highlights group tossing couches on Fannie Mae's lawn demanding a homeowner bailout.

Palin, Jesus and Witches???

Newsweek caricatures Palin's faith one week before the presidential election, even raising the specter of anti-Semitism.

Obama's Tax Ad Distorts Heritage Foundation Analysis

Conservative organization insists Democrat's campaign pull misleading TV spot meant as 'intentional attempt to mislead and misinform voters.'
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