MRC Business

Broadcast Nets Panic over Second-Guessing of Obama Administration's Chrysler/Fiat Deal

ABC, CBS and NBC warn government-structured deal for automaker was in danger over temporary delay.

Obama Fiddles with Our Ability to be a 'Rich Man'

Millionaire media stars get their wish as president goes after wealthy CEOs while filling D.C. with his own czars.

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Chair: House Bill Will Add $120 Tax on Monthly Electric Bill

David Sokol, possible successor to Warren Buffet claims cap-and-trade bill a 28-percent tax increase that doesn't reduce CO2.

Santelli Blasts Obama's Warning on Taking 'Reckless Risks' as 'Un-American'

CNBC reporter calls president's comments on TARP repayments 'a major philosophical issue' that contradicts free-market capitalism.

Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson: Government Unfairly Shutdown Parents' GM Dealership

Glenn Beck calls abuse of GM closures 'fascism' after morning show star tells how 90-year-old family firm was making a profit.

Dear Baltimore Sun: Perils of Protectionism

Free trade exists until government restricts it.

On ABC, Billionaire Pete Peterson Calls for Health Care Sacrifice

'Good Morning America' lets the tough questions go.

Washington Post Article on 'Broken Health System' also Broken

Connolly misstates actual number needing heath insurance, doesn't label liberal group.

Obama's Czars, 'Hand Puppets,' and 'Evil Despots,' Oh My!

FNC's Neil Cavuto attacks the 'lunacy' of Obama's czars.
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