MRC Business

Beltway and Media Induce Conservative Stockholm Syndrome

Healthy conservatism can only exist as insurgency.

'World News' Trumps Up Severity of Former Countrywide CEO Civil Charges

ABC suggests jail time possible for Angelo Mozilo, but CNBC reports civil case will likely wind up settled outside of court.

Public Option the Only Option in CBS 'Early Show' Interview

Anchor Harry Smith interviews HHS Secretary Sebelius about medical-related bankruptcies.

Limbaugh: Obama's Control of Banks a 'Stealth Way' to Impose Fairness Doctrine

Conservative talker warns that broadcasters forced to file Chapter 11 may have to get 'stings-attached' loans from government-controlled banks.

Dear NY Times: Beware of Unintended Consequences

Social-engineering by tax policy led to performance-based pay and less transparency.

Climatologist Blames Global Warming for Air France Crash

Alexei Kokorin, climatologist for Russia's WWF's Climate Program says 'frequency and severity' of severe weather conditions near crash site is higher due to global warming.

'Nightly News' Laments Budget Cuts in Wake of California Ballot Initiative Failure

Segment blames budget woes education cuts, but ignores wasteful state spending other areas.

Austin, Texas Requires Green Audit for Real Estate or Face Criminal Charges

Local government of Austin 'green' ordinance requires mandatory $300 'clean energy audit' according to NBC affiliate; Non-compliance classified as Class C misdemeanor.

Obama, Media Likely Wrong on 2009 Job Figures ... By May

Finding the 'glass half full,' nets and newspapers find good news about job loss, ignore failure of stimulus to halt rising unemployment.

'Now or Never' Rehashes Old News, Name-Calling But Doesn't Offer Economic Solutions

Book by CNN's Jack Cafferty lives in the past, but offers surprising remarks on mortgages, bailouts.
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