MRC Business

Santelli Claims Geithner 'Lying to the American People' on Monetization of Debt

CNBC's reporter says Treasury Secretary either doesn't understand 'monetization' or is not being forthright about the government's actions.

NBC, ABC Attack Governor and California Voters for Proposed Termination of 'Essential Services'

The 'Today Show' and 'World News' mourn California's proposed budget cuts, despite the state's failing economy.

ABC Turns to Doomsday Propaganda to Push Global Warming Solutions

Network spends two hours predicting future, promoting Obama and left-wing climate ideas or mankind doomed to new 'dark ages.'

You Will Wear White, and You Will Like It

Our emerging dicatorship of clowns.

Journalists Ignore Reality That 'Post-Racial' President Isn't

Sotomayor pick for court underlines Obama's support for workplace discrimination.

Inhofe: Senate Will Not Pass Cap-and-Trade

Oklahoma senator cites recent trend against global warming legislation; dismisses House efforts and claims EPA action to impose it can be stalled.

ABC Global Warming Special Makes Up Future, But It's Not 'Sci-Fi'

'Good Morning America' promotes going green and 'a different kind of journalism.'

CBS Offers One-Sided Analysis of GM's Bankruptcy Plan

Ignoring wasted billions, government control and UAW ownership, 'The Early Show' sings from administration's GM hymnal.
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