MRC Business

NBC Finds Libraries 'Popular,' but Suffering from Economy

'Nightly News' segment laments government cuts for library funding, includes a man crying over library closure.

Will 'The Secret Millionaire' Arrive At Your Door?

Not if you're sitting around waiting for him.

Nets Attack Vitamin Supplements After Study Casts Doubt on Disease Prevention

CBS, NBC question the benefits of vitamin supplements for disease prevention, but ignore the positive nutritional aspects.

Unemployment Nearly as Bad as During Clinton

Media selectively spin downturn into foundation for new, New Deal.

Dear WSJ: Market Logic Protects Us from 'Arrogance'

Private contracts are good because decisions are not governed by outsiders' personal feelings.

Price of the Bailout: Media Holding BoA Culpable for Plant Closing

Bailout recipient Bank of America should keep lending to failing business, workers say.

Dear Baltimore Sun: Nationalizing Auto Industry Means Sacrificing Others

It is impossible to know if the future benefits of electric cars are worth what could be lost by subsidizing them.

BusinessWeek Editor Calls $34 Billion for Autos a 'Rounding Error'

Jim Ellis promotes Big Three bailout on CNN's "Your $$$$$," says people need to start borrowing, spending again.

Krugman Touts His Influence as a NYT Columnist on Obama Policy Decisions

Nobel Prize-winning journalist admits he's enjoying opining more about the financial crisis than bashing Bush.
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