MRC Business

New TNT Drama Pits 'Robin Hoods' Against 'Capitalist Victimizers'

'Leverage' attacks insurance and aerospace companies in series premiere.

NY Times Columnist Acknowledges Media Feed Economy Fear

Writer blames digital age, 24-hour news cycle for spreading worry further, faster.

Not Green -- GM Car Shipped to Washington for PR Stunt

Rick Wagoner arrives to make bailout plea in Chevy Volt, but really took Chevy Malibu hybrid from Detroit to Washington.

Frank Adds Media to List of Parties Responsible for Automaker Woes

House Financial Services Committee chairman assigns blame to auto companies, politicians, unions and the media.

ABC's Ross Blasts Swiss Bank for Sponsoring Art Show

'World News' investigative reporter attends 'lavish art festival' to attack UBS.

CNBC's Burnett Downplays Senator's Opposition to Auto Bailout

'Street Signs' host says Banking Committee ranking Republican knows bailout will probably happen.

Time Editor's 'Case for Saving Detroit:' Autos 'Too Big to Fail'

Rick Stengel finds 'unsympathetic' bailout opponents to be 'amazing.'

New York Times Omits Freddie Mac from Emanuel's Resume

Front page business profile doesn't mention two-year stint with troubled government sponsored enterprise.

Michael Moore Continues Assault on Free Enterprise

Controversial filmmaker says 'capitalism doesn't work;' accuses 'wealthy' of collecting 'as much silverware as possible' before Obama sworn in.

Dear Baltimore Sun: Politicians Aren't Business Experts

If you wouldn't entrust your 401(k) to a senator why support political investments in the auto industry?
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