MRC Business

Econ 101: Financial Bailouts and the Rule of Law

Rule of law - not rule of men - is necessary for economic stability.

'Evening News' Shows How Foreign Automakers Do It Right in America

'Tale of Two Plants' segment details Hyundai's lower costs of production versus Big Three.

Dear Toledo Blade: Americans Can Invest in Companies Without Bailouts

If the public aren't investing in auto manufacturers, why should Congress?

Journalists are MIA on Bailouts

Real reporting would give taxpayers details, perspective on automakers and government.

NBC Discovers Union Role in Auto Industry Turmoil

Unlike most other coverage, 'Today' segment highlights UAW contracts as 'albatross' for Big Three.

Krugman Claims Government Has $10 Trillion 'Cushion'

Pro-intervention economist and Nobel Prize winner tells 'Good Morning America' viewers that trillions more could be spent to fix the economy.

Networks Darken 'Black Friday'

Dear WSJ: Government Can't Even Get Socialism Right

Auto industry and 'sadistic' anti-capitalists.

Shhhhhhhh! Dow Loses Nearly 2,300 When Bernanke Talks

In last six months, 65 percent of days when Fed chairman speaks show market declines, including three of worst drops in history.

Networks Darken 'Black Friday'

Broadcast journalists marginalize increased turnout, spending; focus on downbeat angles of holiday shopping.
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