
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Ed Schultz, Who Frothed Over 'Bastard, 'Slut,' 'Dirthole' Conservatives, Allegedly 'Pushed Out' at MSNBC

MSNBC "pushed out" Ed Schultz in order to "make way for new talent," according to Politico on Thursday. This would contradict Schultz, who insisted the decision was voluntary and a great step ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Left-Winger Behind Romney 47% Video As 'Registered Independent' With 'Open Mind'

On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander promoted the first public comments from Scott Prouty, the bartender who secretly recorded Mitt Romney's 47% comments during ...
Media Research Center

White House Press Secretary Contradicts Obama's Claims About Cancellation of Tours, ABC Ignores

In an "exclusive" interview with ABC, Barack Obama on Tuesday dodged responsibility for the ending of White House tours, stating, "I have to say this was not a decision that went up to ...
Media Research Center

CBS Goes Out of Its Way to Find the Radical Feminists in St. Peter's Square

During CBS's special coverage of the papal election on Wednesday, correspondent Mark Phillips singled out two dissenters from Catholic tradition in the middle of crowd of hundreds of thousands in ...
Media Research Center

On Eve of Papal Election, NBC Hypes 'Bad Time' for Church 'Out of Step' With Liberal Catholics

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, on the eve of the Wednesday election of Pope Francis, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed to viewers: "...this is a decidedly bad time for the Catholic Church. There ...
Media Research Center

National Review Eviscerates Racist Smears of Conservatives by NY Times Book Editor Tanenhaus

National Review magazine has published a comprehensive response to New York Times Book Editor Sam Tanenhaus's dishonest smear of conservative thought in a cover story for The New Republic. ...
Media Research Center

Only Seven Minutes After White Smoke, CNN Features Women's Ordination Activists

It took only seven minutes after the announcement of a new pope for CNN to interview liberal women's ordination activists in St. Peter's Square. The activists were the first interviewees on CNN ...
Media Research Center

Broadcast Networks Ignore Kwame Kilpatrick Conviction; PBS Fails to Report Party Label

Former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) was convicted Tuesday on 24 separate federal corruption charges, which could cost him up to 20 years in prison. However, ABC, CBS, and NBC could not be ...
Media Research Center

ABC: New Pope Can Help Catholics 'Revive' Mission to Help the Poor

During live coverage, Wednesday, of the announcement that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio had been chosen the new pope, two of ABC's journalists insisted that the Argentinian would help "revive" the ...
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores White House Aide Calling Obama Budget Meetings 'A Joke'

While NBC and CBS both highlighted a quote from an anonymous senior White House official labeling President Obama's recent budget meetings with members of Congress "a joke," ABC managed to ...
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