
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

AP Pays Tribute to 'Master Communicator' and 'Fine Baseball Player' Hugo Chavez

Frank Bajak of the AP lionized Venezuelan autocrat and "fighter" Hugo Chavez minutes after his death on Tuesday, playing up in the second sentence of his item how the "former paratroop commander ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post's Eugene Robinson Appears on MSNBC to Praise 'Quick,' 'Popular,' Funny Hugo Chavez

Within minutes of the death of death of repressive socialist Hugo Chavez on Tuesday, MSNBC featured liberal Washington Post editor Eugene Robinson to fawn over the "quick," "popular" leader. ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panelist Compares Anonymous Internet Commenters to KKK

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about whether websites should prevent people from commenting anonymously in order to reduce offensive rhetoric, attorney Star Jones made an ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Guthrie Tees Up Maddow to Hype Sequester 'Poison' That Puts Dems in 'Better Light'

In an interview with left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie used dire language to describe the current budget sequester: "It was supposed to be ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Bianna Golodryga: Isn't It 'Kind of Sad' That Investors Are Shrugging Off Sequester?

After hyping a "fiscal emergency" that could "vaporize" America, the journalists at Good Morning America seemed slightly puzzled that daily life has continued. GMA anchor George Stephanopoulos on ...
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz Ridicules Media Freak Out on Sequester

CNN's Howard Kurtz mocked the media – including his own network – on Sunday's Reliable Sources for uncritically channeling government hysteria over the sequester cuts. "[I]f the press had put in, ...
Media Research Center

CNN Catches Obama's Falsehood on Sequester; Networks Barely Report It

CNN's Dana Bash fact-checked President Obama's falsehood about the sequester on Friday, but the major networks didn't exactly follow CNN's lead in reporting his blatant distortion. In his ...
Media Research Center

Brian Williams Claims His Reporting is 'Cleansed of Political Opinions,' 'Down the Middle'

Appearing on left-wing actor Alec Baldwin's weekly WNYC talk radio show, Here's The Thing, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams laughably asserted that his reporting was void of any political ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Sees 'Austerity,' "Poor May Be Hit Particularly Hard' by 'Painful and Stupid' Sequestration

The perils and victims of the round of the mandatory federal spending cuts known as sequestration led the New York Times' weekend coverage, with the 2.4% cut in annual federal spending labeled ...
Media Research Center

No Social Conservatives on CBS's List of 'Eye-Opening Women'

On Monday, CBS This Morning launched a week-long set of interviews for Women's History Month, but the majority of the women they picked for their list of "Eye Opening Women" are dedicated ...
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