
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

After Hyping a 'Fiscal Emergency' That Could 'Cripple' and 'Vaporize' America, GMA Silent on Sequestration

For weeks, ABC has been hyping sequestration as a "fiscal emergency" that could "cripple" much of America and "vaporize" jobs. Yet, Monday's Good Morning America featured no stories on what the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer 'Surprised' By Lack of Public 'Outrage' Over Sequester; Urges GOP to Accept Tax Hikes

In an interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer couldn't understand why the American people didn't buy into the White House and media hype about ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: Obama Doesn't Like Washington Press Corps, Feeling is 'Mutual'

Reacting to the contentious exchange between the Obama White House and the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, on Friday's NBC Today, Meet the Press moderator David Gregory saw the conflict as part of ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Schieffer Contends ‘Extreme’ Republicans ‘Holding Rest of Party Hostage’

“Do you all feel that your party is somehow being held hostage?” Bob Schieffer asked Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, presumably referring to those opposed to raising taxes. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Urges Obama: Just Force Congress to Stay Until Sequester Deal Is Struck

CNN's White House correspondent Jessica Yellin asked President Obama on Friday why he couldn't just force Congress to stick around until a deal is reached to prevent the sequester cuts. "To your ...
Media Research Center

Politico’s Evan Thomas: Ted Cruz a ‘Potentially Dangerous’ Demagogue

The liberal media’s effort to demonize Sen. Ted Cruz continues. On last Friday’s episode of PBS’s Inside Washington, the mostly left-leaning panel of journalists piled on the criticism of the ...
Media Research Center

'Writing the Words That Made History': NBC's Puff Piece on Obama's Departing Speechwriter

One week after Politico declared President Obama to be a "puppet master" for his ability to manipulate media coverage, on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Willie Geist was a willing participant in ...
Media Research Center

ABC: Sequester 'Armageddon' Will Lead to 'Jobs Vaporizing' and 'Criminals Walking Free'

The hosts and reporters on Friday's Good Morning America hyped the "massive" sequester cuts as leading to near panic. Josh Elliott opened the show by hyperventilating, "Jobs vaporizing, flights ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer Dismisses Woodward: 'I'm A Little Surprised You've Gone Public With This'

In an exclusive interview with The Washington Post's Bob Woodward on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer belittled the veteran journalist for daring to reveal a contentious exchange with ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Shushes Gun Rights Advocate: 'I Suggest You Keep Quiet'

 CNN's Piers Morgan bullied gun rights advocate John Lott on his Wednesday night show, repeatedly interrupting him and lecturing him. At one point Morgan told his guest, "I'm going to keep ...
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