
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS Fawns Over Caroline Kennedy; Rose Wonders If She Will Run for President

Charlie Rose, Norah O'Donnell, and Gayle King gushed over Caroline Kennedy on Friday's CBS This Morning. O'Donnell asked Kennedy is she supported a potential Hillary Clinton presidential run in ...
Media Research Center

NBC Proclaims 'Hero's Sendoff' for Chavez, 'A Harsh Critic of the U.S.'

Introducing a brief report on Friday's NBC Today about the funeral proceedings for socialist Venezuelan strong man Hugo Chavez, news reader Natalie Morales announced: "In Venezuela, a hero's ...
Media Research Center

In Pledge Drive, PBS Touts ‘Opposing’ Analysts Liberal Shields and Faux-Conservative Brooks

It’s pledge drive week on PBS. All of your favorite PBS shows are being interrupted so that a couple of smiling faces can beg you to donate some of your hard-earned income to your local public ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts 'Controversial Theories' About Pope's Resignation That Claim Scandal 'As Big As Watergate'

On Friday's NBC Today, fill-in co-host Lester Holt hyped unfounded speculation surrounding the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI: "More than a week after his resignation became official, there are ...
Media Research Center

ABC Skips Liberal Watchdog Slamming 'Corrupting Influence' of Obama's Pay for Access Scheme

ABC's Good Morning America on Friday ignored new details of Barack Obama's pay-for-access scheme, the only morning show to skip the story. The President's campaign group, now renamed Organizing ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Worries That a 'Right-Wing Politician' 'Like Dick Cheney' Could Use Drones on His Enemies

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday worried that a future "right-wing" politician "like Dick Cheney" might one day use drone strikes against his political enemies. The Hardball host was discussing ...
Media Research Center

CNN Pounces on Ailes Calling Obama 'Lazy;' Mostly Ignores That He Cited Obama's Words

CNN harped on the controversy over Fox News head Roger Ailes calling President Obama "lazy" and Vice President Biden "dumb as an ashtray." The network covered it on five shows on Wednesday and ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Jon Karl Skeptically Questions Obama's Ending of White House Tours

World News's Jonathan Karl on Wednesday turned a uniquely skeptical eye on Barack Obama's decision to end White House tours in the wake of sequester. Highlighting the President's claim that the ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Hype 'The Most Restrictive Abortion Law in the Country'

On Wednesday and Thursday, two of the Big Three networks ballyhooed how the Arkansas state legislature overrode Governor Mike Beebe's veto of a pro-life bill that outlaws abortion once the unborn ...
Media Research Center

NBC Whines About Vatican 'Secrecy' And Media 'Clamp Down'

In a report from the Vatican on Thursday's NBC Today, correspondent Keir Simmons fretted over Church officials limiting press access to cardinals as they prepare to elect the next Pope in ...
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