
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Elevates Matthews’ Mendacity to Meet the Press, Right Wing Has Made Congress ‘Undemocratic’

It’s bad enough that Chris Matthews gets two hours a day on MSNBC to showcase his anti-conservative rants, but why does host David Gregory undermine any pretense that NBC News is not the same ...
Media Research Center

CNN Incredulous Over GOP 'Fixation' on Benghazi, Opposition to Hagel

The same network that wondered if Sen. Rubio's sip of water was a "big deal" asked just why Republicans are "so fixated on Benghazi" when GOP senators pressed Defense Secretary nominee Chuck ...
Media Research Center

Networks Accuse GOP of 'Partisan Standoff' After 'Rare Move' to Block Hagel Nomination

Following the failure of former Senator Chuck Hagel to receive enough votes in the Senate on Thursday to be confirmed as defense secretary, NBC, ABC, and CBS all immediately turned their ire ...
Media Research Center

'Lincoln' Screenwriter: Obama Win a Rejection of 'Psychotic' Reagan Era Ideology

Tony Kushner, the screenwriter behind the Oscar nominated movie 'Lincoln,' compared Barack Obama to the 16th president and called the defeat of Mitt Romney a "rejection" of the "Reagan era ...
Media Research Center

All Three Networks Fail to Identify Mayor Who Gambled Away a Billion Dollars as a Democrat

All three network morning shows on Friday ignored the fact that the ex-San Diego mayor who gambled away an astonishing $1 billion is a Democrat. ABC's Good Morning America, ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Snarls That Ted Cruz Is the New 'Joe McCarthy'

For daring to oppose Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense, Chris Matthews on Thursday snarled that Ted Cruz is the new Joe McCarthy. Comparing the Republican senator from Texas to ...
Media Research Center

Scarborough Rants Against Wayne LaPierre's Use of 'Racial Overtones'

On Thursday's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough claimed a recent op-ed by Wayne LaPierre was "laced with racial overtones" because the NRA president suggested Brooklynites should have the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Continues Smear of 'Racist' NRA; Alex Wagner Hits Wayne LaPierre as Afraid of 'Dark People'

MSNBC, for the second time on Thursday, smeared the National Rifle Association as racist, trashing the gun group's president as appealing to bigotry. Now host Alex Wagner read from an op-ed by ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Predicts Rubio's Water Sip 'Just Might Live On Forever'

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams proclaimed that Florida Senator Marco Rubio taking a sip of water during his response to the State of the Union was "the televised moment ...
Media Research Center

ABC Uniquely Highlights Barack Obama's 'Betrayal' of Fort Hood Victims

ABC's Nightline on Tuesday night uniquely highlighted the "betrayal" of Fort Hood victims by Barack Obama, exposing how the President "used" survivors as props for the 2010 State of the Union ...
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