
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Welcomes Pope Benedict to Retirement With Litany of His 'Serious Controversies'

Right as CNN's The Situation Room reported the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, correspondent Brian Todd launched into a litany of the "controversies" of his papacy and pushed the positive ...
Media Research Center

NBC Journalists Agree: Obama 'Clearly Has the Upper Hand On the Budget'

On Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory seized on an item in Politico arguing that upcoming sequester budget cuts could prove to be a "time bomb" for Republicans: "And the political ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: 'Central Beliefs' of GOP 'Have Hurt it With the Electorate'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory demanded Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor admit that the Republican Party's fundamental principles led to electoral defeat ...
Media Research Center

NBC Recalls Pope Being 'God's Rottweiler'; Highlights Church Sex Abuse Scandal

On the day Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would be stepping down from the Papacy, NBC's Monday Today featured a report by correspondent Michelle Kosinski, who offered these highlights of the ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post's Cillizza Confesses: 'I Can't Get Enough of Hillary Clinton'

Filling in for host Chuck Todd on Friday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza gushed over the popularity of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: "Hillary Clinton is ...
Media Research Center

Parody or Does She Believe It? CNN Anchor Blames Asteroid on Global Warming

CNN anchor Deb Feyerick asked Saturday afternoon if an approaching asteroid, which will pass by Earth on February 15, “is an example of, perhaps, global warming?” Moments earlier, before an ad ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post’s ‘Foreign Policy’ Mag Matches Newsweek with Obama as ‘The Second Coming’ Cover

Foreign Policy, “a global magazine of politics, economics, and ideas,” has “just delivered its new issue, and like Newsweek before,” the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard noticed Friday ...
Media Research Center

NBCers Giddy Over Obama Being 'Big Sheriff in Town' Ahead of State of the Union

During a panel discussion on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Friday, Meet the Press moderator David Gregory touted President Obama's swagger leading up to Tuesday's State of the Union ...
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores New Benghazi Revelations Showing Disengaged Obama

While the NBC and CBS morning shows on Friday both covered troubling Thursday testimony from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that revealed President Obama's lack of engagement during ...
Media Research Center

NYT Ignores Leftist Website Connection to FRC Shooter, Yet Suggested Palin Map Inspired Jared Loughner to Kill

Floyd Corkins Jr. pleaded guilty to wounding a security guard at the headquarters of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian lobbying group fighting against gay marriage. Corkins ...
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