
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

The New York Times and National Security Secrets: Obama vs. Bush

News that the New York Times and Washington Post kept secret until recently the secret U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia is once again raising questions on the paper's politicized double ...
Media Research Center

The Blackout Continues: CBS Evening News Again Ignores Obama Drone Strikes

For the second day in a row, the CBS Evening News on Wednesday avoided any coverage of a new memo revealing that the Obama administration asserts the power to legally strike terrorists, even if ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Guthrie Grills Justin Bieber's Mom On Being Involved With 'Anti-Abortion' Film

In an interview with Pattie Mallette, mother of pop star Justin Bieber, on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried about Mallette's producing role in an upcoming film: " ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Christie Would Be 'Shoo-In' for GOP Nomination in 2016...If Not Overweight

Wrapping up a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie poking fun at his weight during a David Letterman appearance, co-host Willie Geist argued the ...
Media Research Center

CNN Implies Boy Scout Ban 'Discriminatory,' Supporters 'On the Wrong Side of History'

CNN anchors dropped journalistic integrity and went into full attack mode against supporters of the ban on gay Boy Scouts on Wednesday morning. When the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins ...
Media Research Center

Yawn: CBS Evening News Skips Obama Memo on Drone Strikes Against U.S. Citizens

The CBS Evening News on Tuesday completely ignored the revelation, uncovered in a leaked government memo, that the Obama administration claims the power to legally strike al Qaeda terrorists, even ...
Media Research Center

NBC Frets Over Sequester Taking 'Butcher's Knife' to Budget; Promoted 'Bold' Trillion-Dollar Stimulus

On NBC's Wednesday Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander wrung his hands over the possibility of sequester budget cuts happening next month: "If you think of the federal budget as a ...
Media Research Center

2016 Begins? ABC Mocks: Chris Christie Should 'Lay Off the Doughnuts'

The journalists of Good Morning America offered, perhaps, a preview of 2016, highlighting Chris Christie's weight and what "could be a major campaign issue." After playing clips of the New Jersey ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer Frets Over Obama Gun Photo: 'Now the President Always Has to Back Up His Words With Proof?'

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about the White House releasing a photo of President Obama skeet shooting to dispel doubt about his claim of doing it "all the time," co-host Matt ...
Media Research Center

CNN Pushes Boy Scouts to Get With the Times, Allow Gay Scout Leaders

CNN's message to the Boy Scouts is this: "the world" is becoming more accepting of same-sex marriage, and the Scouts should get with the times by accepting openly gay leaders. Anchor Carol ...
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