
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Pushes Gun Control on The Tonight Show

Speaking on a different show but making the same tired liberal points, CNN's Piers Morgan hit the American "mentality" on guns and attacked the NRA on Thursday's The Tonight Show. "And the ...
Media Research Center

NPR Boosts 'Fireproof' Hillary's Possible 2016 Run; Two Clinton Associates the Only Talking Heads

Mara Liasson hyped Hillary Clinton as "the most popular politician in the country" on Friday's Morning Edition on NPR. Liasson asserted that "there's no question that being out of politics for ...
Media Research Center

Disgraceful: Chris Matthews Smears John McCain as an 'Angry' Vietnam Vet Having a 'Flashback'

Liberal anchor Chris Matthews on Friday stooped to a new low, smearing John McCain as an "angry" Vietnam veteran who is having a "flashback." Resorting to the cheapest of stereotypes, the Hardball ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Chicago Gun Restrictions Ineffective Because of Gun Rights Elsewhere

In a report at the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Kevin Tibbles fretted that "Despite bylaws that prohibit gun shops within city limits...Chicago appears to be awash in guns." A ...
Media Research Center

ABC Downplays and Ignores Chuck Hagel's 'Bruising' Confirmation Hearings

ABC on Thursday and Friday either downplayed or outright ignored the "bruising day" Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel endured in Washington. Friday's Good Morning America skipped the topic ...
Media Research Center

Fairness: Gun Control Advocates Get Five Times More Coverage Than Opponent on CNN's The Situation Room

Viewers who tuned in to Wednesday's The Situation Room were bombarded with over five times as much coverage of gun control advocates than of the lone gun rights advocate Newt Gingrich. Host Wolf ...
Media Research Center

Three Scenes in FX’s ‘The Americans’ Which Should Hearten Conservatives

FX’s new series which debuted Wednesday night, The Americans, is centered around husband and wife KGB sleeper agents who live with their kids as ordinary Americans in suburban Washington, ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Has Compared His Opponents to Nazis, Whines About Too Much 'Hate' in Politics

MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday assailed John McCain, slamming the "boiling hatred" aimed at Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's Defense Secretary nominee. Matthews sneered, "Hatred, pure and simple, ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Diane Sawyer Despairs Over a Nation 'Awash in Guns'

ABC's Diane Sawyer on Wednesday pushed the pro-gun control angle as she highlighted the debate in Congress over a "nation awash in guns." After World News reporter Jon Karl recapped the testimony ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Frets Over Climate Change to Al Gore: 'Do We Still Have Time?'

In an interview with Al Gore aired on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Andrea Mitchell treated the former Vice President like a climate change prophet: "Floods. Fires. Historic ...
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