
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS Shills for Democratic Senator Accused in Prostitute Scandal, Wonders If It's a 'Smear Campaign'

ABC on Wednesday and Thursday continued to ignore the developing prostitution scandal surrounding Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. NBC highlighted the story on the Today show. CBS covered the ...
Media Research Center

ABC, Which Spiked Tim Scott’s Senate Appointment, Highlights New Senator Mo Cowan

Last month, when the Republican Governor of South Carolina named GOP U.S. Representative Tim Scott to the U.S. Senate, the “first African American U.S. Senator from the South since Blanche ...
Media Research Center

NBC Liberal Panel Freaks Out Over Sheriff Telling People to Arm Themselves

During a panel discussion on Wednesday's NBC Today, the morning show's regular liberal pundits had a panic attack over Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke putting out a radio ad calling on local ...
Media Research Center

Cynthia McFadden Lectures Clinton on Running for President: Don't You Have an 'Obligation?

As if comparing Hillary Clinton to Thomas Jefferson wasn't hyperbolic enough, ABC's Cynthia McFadden on Wednesday practically begged the Secretary of State to run for president. The Nightline ...
Media Research Center

CBS Falsely Labels Handgun Used in Tucson Massacre an 'Assault Weapon'

On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Nancy Cordes falsely characterized the weapon used in the 2011 mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Cordes noted that former astronaut Mark Kelly, "whose ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Cynthia McFadden Compares Hillary Clinton to Thomas Jefferson

Over three programs and two days, ABC devoted 15 minutes to a fawning profile of Hillary Clinton. On Wednesday's Nightline, Cynthia McFadden even compared the outgoing Secretary of State to Thomas ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Hard for Clinton to Be Successful Secretary of State After 'Crisis the Obama Team Inherited'

The headline NBC chose promote from chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell's Tuesday interview with outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was that Clinton really couldn't ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Kroft Explains Why Obama 'Likes 60 Minutes': 'We're Not Going to Play Gotcha With Him'

CBS's Steve Kroft conformed his journalistic benevolence to President Obama and Secretary Clinton when he told CNN's Piers Morgan on Monday that Obama "likes 60 Minutes" because they won't ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Gergen Says Benghazi Will 'Long Be Forgotten' If Clinton Runs In 2016

On Tuesday's Starting Point, CNN's David Gergen smiled on Hillary Clinton's "wonderful farewell" at the State Department and touted her "very powerful position" for a 2016 presidential run. ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Challenges GOP: Do Minorities 'Know You and They Decided They Don't Like You?'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien, well known for her documentaries on race "Latino In America" and "Black In America," questioned the GOP's credibility among minority voters on Friday's Starting Point. ...
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