
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

On The Ed Show: Jesse Jackson Compares Scott Walker to Racist Governor George Wallace

On the eve of the Wisconsin recall election Ed Schultz invited on the Reverend Jesse Jackson to compare Republican Governor Scott Walker to the segregationist George Wallace and call him “a ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell: Queen Had to 'Put Up With' the 'Indignity' of Celebrating U.S. Bicentennial

As part of NBC's wall-to-wall Today show coverage of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell listed ways in ...
Media Research Center

Martin Short Hits 'Crazy Catholic' Santorum, 'Taliban'-like Bachmann

Appearing as a guest on Monday's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on NBC, actor and comedian Martin Short lambasted several of the GOP presidential candidates, as he called Rick Santorum a "crazy ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Walker Might Become Anti-Union 'Poster Child' If He Wins Recall

On Sunday's CBS Evening News, John Dickerson candidly admitted that a failed recall attempt of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker "would be a big blow" to the unions, and that it "would be a sign to any ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Claims Romney Must 'Distance' Himself from GOP 'In Trouble'

As Republican strategist Alex Castellanos described the split in the Democratic Party over Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory defensively ...
Media Research Center

Not Biased? CNN Has Obama Donor Bill Maher Guest Host for Piers Morgan

The next time CNN denies having any liberal bias, it will have to explain having liberal Obama donor Bill Maher guest-hosting on Friday night during prime-time. Not only is Maher an avowed ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Does Mitt Romney Look Like He's 'Rooting for Failure' of the Economy?

At the top of Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer warned Mitt Romney against going after President Obama too hard on the stagnant economy: "Romney's campaign using the rise in unemployment ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Gayle King Heartily Endorses Bloomberg's Soda Ban Proposal

On Friday's CBS This Morning, Gayle King sided with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg over his controversial proposed ban of soft drinks over 16 ounces in size: "I'm all for anything that's ...
Media Research Center

Elitist Film Critics Sneer at Religious Freedom Epic: 'Catnip for Crusaders'

Elitist film critics at several big city papers, Friday, mocked the Christian-themed movie For Greater Glory as "catnip for crusaders," a movie that exploits the struggle for religious freedom ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Bloomberg: Soda Ban 'Sounds Ridiculous' As NYC Celebrates National Donut Day

In a challenging interview with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer questioned whether a plan to ban large sodas in the city was hypocritical: "You ...
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