
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC Botches Jobs Report: Touts Incorrect, Obama-Favorable Unemployment Numbers

Good Morning America's Josh Elliott on Friday reported incorrect jobs numbers, touting stats more favorable to Barack Obama and less reflective of the dismal facts. In the 8am hour, news ...
Media Research Center

CNN Showcases Romney's Connection to Trump, But Had No Initial Inquiry of Bill Maher and Obama

CNN jumped all over Donald Trump's "birther" remarks on Tuesday as Trump hosted a fund raiser for Mitt Romney. CNN ran the story almost every single hour on Tuesday evening and Wednesday ...
Media Research Center

Obsession? CNN Devotes Over Half Hour of Coverage Thursday to Obama Campaign's Attack Strategy

CNN devoted over four times the coverage to the Obama campaign's new attack strategy on Thursday than it initially gave to the largest religious lawsuit in U.S. history. Over 32 minutes of ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panel Agrees: 'God Bless' Mike Bloomberg for 'Revolutionary' Soda Ban

Discussing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban large soft drinks with liberal panelists on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer skeptically wondered: "Do we want local ...
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores Its Own Poll Showing 'Sharp Advances' for Mitt Romney Among Women

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll found Mitt Romney has made "sharp advances" with women. But you wouldn't know it from watching the ABC network. Wednesday's World News and Nightline, as well as ...
Media Research Center

After Spiking Catholic Lawsuit Against Obama, Networks Unleash Avalanche of Stories Hyping Vatican 'Scandal'

While the networks largely ignored 43 Catholic institutions suing the Obama administration over the ObamaCare contraception mandate, since news broke on May 25 of the Pope's butler leaking ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Contradicts Herself on Romney's Criticism of Obama's Syria Policy

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, a piece by correspondent Andrea Mitchell incorrectly claimed that Mitt Romney "doesn't say how" he believes the Obama administration should assist rebels who are ...
Media Research Center

Gayle King Scolds Country Music Industry for 'Rejecting' Lesbian Singer

Gayle King forwarded the agenda of the cultural left on Wednesday's CBS This Morning as she interviewed country music artist Chely Wright, an open homosexual. The Obama-supporting anchor targeted ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Visits 'Polarized' Wisconsin, Equates 'Civility' to Support for Unions, Ignores Gov. Walker's Success

And it's all Republicans' fault, according to the New York Times: "According to recent polling, Wisconsin, once known for progressive policy and upper-Midwestern civility, is now the most ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Attacks GOP Strategist for Comparing Donald Trump to 'Great' Biden

According to Thomas Roberts, Vice President Biden is a political god who deserves no criticism.  That’s the message the host sent to former Rick Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley on MSNBC ...
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