
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Jake Tapper Mocks Trump's 'Bizarre' Birther Nonsense; GMA Skipped Maher's Outrages

Birtherism really makes Jake Tapper mad. The Good Morning America journalist on Wednesday angrily attacked the untrue conspiracy theory as "bizarre," "fact-free" "nonsense." Tapper highlighted ...
Media Research Center

NBC Decides Trump Has 'Overshadowed' Romney Clinching GOP Nomination

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer worked to tarnish Mitt Romney officially becoming the GOP Nominee: "Mitt Romney secures the Republican presidential nomination....But will ...
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Liberal Nun's Fight Against Vatican, Hosts No Guest from Other Side

The liberal host of the public radio show "Interfaith Voices," Sister Maureen Fiedler has cheered for the Occupy protests, railed against the Ryan budget, advocated for single-payer healthcare, ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Spins Statement, Botches Facts About Romney's Jobs Record

CNN's Soledad O'Brien took Rudy Giuliani's words about Mitt Romney and spun them into a criticism of his jobs record, when in fact Giuliani had praised the candidate's resume on Sunday's State ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Religion Writer Baselessly Accuses Conservatives of Taking Rev. Wright's Rants 'Out of Context'

Times religion columnist Mark Oppenheimer attacked conservatives for making hay out of Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's anti-American rants and "liberation theology," insisting conservative have ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Obama Super PAC: Network Devotes 38 Minutes to Pushing First Lady

Over the course of two programs, ABC on Tuesday devoted 38 fawning minutes of time to Michelle Obama and her new book, American Grown. Good Morning America's Robin Roberts, who admitted getting ...
Media Research Center

CBS Channels WashPost on GOP Forcing 'Ideological Purity'; Lets Noonan Rip 'Freak Show' in Party

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose yet again ripped a line from a liberal print media outlet that portrayed the GOP as a radical faction. Rose quoted a front-page article about Mitt ...
Media Research Center

NBC Worried About Romney Hanging Around With NBC Star Donald Trump

In an astonishing display of hypocrisy, NBC News repeatedly decried Mitt Romney using celebrity businessman Donald Trump to fundraise for his campaign. This is the same Donald Trump who hosts ...
Media Research Center

Schieffer Calls His Anti-Reagan Book ‘Accurate,’ But Admits ‘It Is Not Entirely True’

Accurate, but not true. It took 23 years, but on Sunday morning’s Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer contended “everything” in his 1989 book, which provided a derogatory look from the left at the ...
Media Research Center

NBC 'Today' Panel Rips Chris Hayes: 'He Looks Like a Weenie' After Anti-Military Comments

During a panel on Tuesday's NBC Today, liberal pundits Star Jones, Donny Deutsch and Nancy Snyderman condemned left-wing MSNBC host Chris Hayes for suggesting fallen U.S. troops are not heroes. ...
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