
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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ABC: 'Potential Wave of Domestic Terror' vs NBC: 'No Spike' in Hate Group Activity

ABC's Pierre Thomas on Thursday night delivered an ominous story on how "radicals of the ultra-fringe, filled with rage about illegal immigration, fear of losing their guns, abortion and race ...

CNN's Sanchez Again Teams with Leftists to Slam Conservatives

Anchor Rick Sanchez used another crazed gunman's rampage to blast conservative media during CNN's Newsroom program on Thursday, and brought on Media Matters' Eric Boehlert as his aide to bash talk ...

Matthews: Is Palin Talking the Language of Far Right Nuts?

On Wednesday night Chris Matthews invited's Joan Walsh to link the Holocaust Museum shooter to Rush Limbaugh, but it was the Hardball host himself, on Thursday, who connected Sarah Palin ...

FNC Highlights Media's 'Consensual Seduction' by Obama and Their Obama 'Crush'

FNC on Wednesday night highlighted how the ex-top editor at hardly conservative San Francisco Chronicle wrote a blog, "Obama and the Fawning Press Need to Get a Room," in which Phil Bronstein ...

On Hardball: Journalist Links Rush Limbaugh to Holocaust Museum Shooting's Joan Walsh, on Wednesday's Hardball, cited "conservatives" like Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin and Bill O'Reilly for "whipping up" a climate that sparks the likes of the Holocaust ...

Star-Struck Reporter Sees Obamas Turning DC Into 'Hollywood On The Potomac'

CBS correspondent Thalia Assuras touted the celebrity status of the Obamas on Wednesday: "The paparazzi and the press corps treat them like movie stars. They're on magazine covers and in fashion ...

ABC 'Exclusive': Sotomayor's Brother Says She Loves to Party

In what seemed a campaign commercial for Judge Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination, ABC's Claire Shipman on Wednesday narrated an "exclusive" profile of Sotomayor's brother about his ...

Cafferty: Listen to Palin or Gingrich? 'Or Just Stick Needles in Your Eyes?'

To hearty laughter from what sounded like anchor Wolf Blitzer (who would have a live mike, but listen and judge for yourself), CNN's Jack Cafferty on Tuesday afternoon asked on The Situation Room ...

Reagan the 'Moses of...Greedy White Men'; Beat Reagan Statue with Shoe Like Saddam's?

On HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, D.L. Hughley insisted "you never saw drugs or drive-byes or homeless people" in inner-cities before Reagan "cut" social programs and became "the Moses ...

CBS's Early Show Gushes Over Obama Date Night In Paris

On Monday, CBS correspondent Richard Roth gave a glowing report on President and Michelle Obama in Paris: "The big tourist treat in Paris this weekend was for the tourists treated to a sight of ...
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