Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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June 4 is the 20th anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Back in 1989, CBS's Eric Engberg compared the planned assault on students with the Ohio National Guard's panicky shooting into anti-war ...
Two weeks after ABC's Laura Marquez blamed California's budget deficit on an "unwillingness to raise taxes" tied to 1978's Proposition 13 "mandating an almost unachievable two-thirds vote by the ...
"MSNBC News Live" co-host David Shuster slammed Dick Cheney on Tuesday's program as a hypocrite, complaining, "Your Iraq war inflamed the Muslim world, bred a new generation of terrorists who hate ...
The networks, which saw the apparently politically-motivated murder of a doctor who performed late term abortions as a major story, haven't been so interested in a Muslim convert who targeted and ...
In an interview excerpt on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams used President Obama's upcoming speech to Muslims in Cairo to take a dig at ex-President Bush, as he contended: "It's a speech ...
Tuesday's Today show completely ignored two facts about a man who murdered a soldier at an Army recruiting station in Arkansas: He had just converted to Islam and was being investigated by the FBI ...
On Monday, CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez gushed over the Obamas' "date night" in New York City: "...this is something that he promised her...It is sweet...they're beautiful." On Tuesday, ...
MSNBC News Live host David Shuster railed against conservative "hypocrite" Newt Gingrich late Monday afternoon. Shuster derided: "Hey, Newt. When you embrace the empathy of a conservative judge, ...
NBC, the object of Bill O'Reilly's scorn for its biased news from the left, provided him with fresh evidence Monday evening as NBC Nightly News, unlike the ABC and CBS newscasts, found it ...
Chris Matthews, on Monday's Hardball, was outraged at the RNC's criticism of the Obamas wasting taxpayer money to go see a Broadway play as he railed that it was a "jealous, pathetic swipe at the ...