
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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NBC's Lee Cowan Glows Over Obama Frosh Photos: 'Humble Beginnings!'

NBC's Lee Cowan, on Thursday's Today show, giddily highlighted new found photos taken of Barack Obama when he was a freshman at Occidental College and even cooed at a shot of him sitting on an old ...

CBS: Paint Roofs and Roads White to Stop Global Warming

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Chris Wragge wondered: "Could painting your roof white be the best defense against global warming? Some very important people think so. So Early Show ...

NY Times: Sotomayor Has a 'Compelling Life Story,' But Clarence Thomas Didn't in 1991

Judge Sonia Sotomayor and Judge Clarence Thomas both had compelling life stories when they were nominated for the Supreme Court. But only Sotomayor's story has been celebrated that way by the New ...

CBS Decides Sotomayor No Liberal: 'Can't Be Easily Defined by Political Labels' (with video)

Bewildered where Obama's Supreme Court nominee stands. "Pundits usually label judges as either liberal or conservative, but that won't be easy with Judge Sotomayor," Katie Couric propounded before ...

On Hardball: Racist Rush Chasing Away Hispanics

After playing a clip of Rush Limbaugh charging Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor with bigotry and racism, Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, implied Limbaugh was the racist as he asked ...

Washington Post Displays Labeling Bias Over Recent Supreme Court Picks

The Washington Post front page for May 27 announces the Sonia Sotomayor nomination with this large headline: "First Latina Picked for Supreme Court; GOP Faces Delicate Task in Opposition." There's ...

Sotomayor Calls Herself Liberal, Even When the NY Times Won't

Sheryl Gay Stolberg gushed that Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor "danced a mean salsa" at Princeton, hints she might be some kind of liberal - but not until paragraph 73.

Lauer: Will Opposing First Hispanic Supreme Court Nominee 'Cost' GOP?

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Wednesday's Today show, greeted viewers with the following teaser: "Good morning, Supreme showdown. Republicans gear up for a fight over President Obama's nomination of Sonia ...

ABC's GMA Praises 'President Obama's Latina Powerhouse,' Her 'Mean' Guacamole

ABC's Good Morning America program on Wednesday led their 7 am Eastern hour with three positive reports about Judge Sonia Sotomayor, highlighting her judicial background and personal story.

Sotomayor Prompts More 'Conservative' Than 'Liberal' Labels

Amazingly, after showing no reluctance in 2005 to describe John Roberts and Sam Alito as "conservative" or worse, the Tuesday network evening newscasts, particularly ABC and NBC, applied more ...
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