Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Talk about moral equivalency run amok. On Friday, NBC's Tom Brokaw asked President Obama two questions about his upcoming trip to Buchenwald, a Nazi death camp: First, what lessons does Obama ...
ABC veteran Cokie Roberts agrees with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's assertion that a wise woman would come to a better conclusion than a man: "Of course, I would agree with her that ...
On Thursday, MSNBC's Tamron Hall attempted justify to her network's obsessive coverage of talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh: "We have a right to cover people who are speaking out...Many people listen ...
Thursday's network evening newscasts gave positive reviews to President Obama's Cairo speech, with NBC the most glowingly positive. NBC quoted one observer who said she got "goose pimples," and ...
On Thursday's 10am ET Newsroom, CNN sought to give "context" to Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's infamous "wise Latinas" remark. To rationalize and explain Sotomayor's ethnic argument, ...
On location with Barack Obama in the Middle East, ABC's Chris Cuomo Thursday condescendingly suggested to the son of Egypt's President that if Americans "understood the link to the ...
CBS's Early Show crew fawned over President Obama's Thursday morning speech in Cairo, calling it "historic," powerful," "far-ranging," "presidential" and "professorial." Co-host Harry Smith ...
Politico's Roger Simon complained about the White House backpedaling on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's declaration that a "wise Latina woman" makes better decisions than a white male: "We ...
On his FNC show Wednesday night, Bret Baier looked at how the murder of an abortion doctor on Sunday has earned much more media attention than Monday's murder by a politically-motivated Muslim ...
President Obama's popularity amongst Muslims pegged to success at "pulling out of Iraq," "ending torture" and "closing Guantanamo," are key to the chances of ending terrorism CBS reporter Lara ...