
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Dire Couric Cites Great Depression, Kids Will Be 'Lost Generation'

Katie Couric sees America through a very dark prism. On Monday, she launched a new "Children of the Recession" series, in collaboration with USA Today, with an op-ed in "the nation's newspaper" in ...

PBS's Tavis Smiley in Time: 'Capitalism Is Like a Child'

Time magazine is not wild about capitalism. In a "business roundtable" on the "future of capitalism," Time assembled several liberals to decry the idea: PBS host Tavis Smiley, blog founder Arianna ...

CNN's Whitfield: Have Catholics 'Evolved' on the Moral Issues?

Minutes after she praised President Obama on Sunday for his "courageous" decision to accept the invitation to speak at Notre Dame, CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield played the role of liberal ...

Matthews Likens Cheney to Stalker Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction

Chris Matthews, on the syndicated The Chris Matthews Show over the weekend, likened Dick Cheney's recent media appearances, to defend the Bush administration and to criticize Obama on national ...

Cuomo Debates Priest Over 'Angels Demons' - But Only Online

After promoting the controversial, religion-baiting film Angels Demons for a combined 19 minutes last week on Good Morning America, ABC finally featured a Catholic priest to object to the movie. ...

After Three Weeks, Pelosi's Anti-CIA Rant Pushes Nets to Action?

After three weeks of virtual silence, all three broadcast networks provided full reports Thursday night about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's shifting story about what she knew about the ...

Excuse Pelosi; Hope 'Moderate' Will Save GOP from Rush Limbaugh

Asked "why does it matter" what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "knew or did not know" about the "enhanced interrogation" of terror suspects, Newsweek's Evan Thomas and NPR's Nina Totenberg failed to ...

CNN's Chetry Uses Left's Spin on Rush Limbaugh and Wanda Sykes

On Friday's American Morning, CNN anchor Kiran Chetry used the liberal talking points about Wanda Sykes and Rush Limbaugh, the two "Wingnuts of the Week," according to John Avlon of The Daily ...

CBS's Harry Smith 'Regrets' Not Speaking Out Against Iraq War

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen read some viewer email, including a question from one woman who asked: "Would you be willing to jeopardize your job to report something your bosses ...
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