
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Liz Cheney vs. O'Donnell: ABC's Chris Cuomo Moderates Fiery Debate on Torture

Good Morning America on Friday featured something that has become rare on morning shows, an actual philosophical debate between a strong conservative and a vocal liberal. Liz Cheney engaged in a ...

NBC and CBS Use Cheney and Obama Speeches to Jab at Cheney

Thursday's NBC Nightly News featured Andrea Mitchell chastising and correcting former Vice President Dick Cheney for his speech on fighting terrorism, but the network saw no need to correct ...

Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC: Cheney Speech 'Sleazy,' 'An Abomination'

After the Thursday speech by ex-VP Dick Cheney, MSNBC assembled its usual panel of left-wing pundits to tear him down, including political analyst Lawrence O'Donnell, who proclaimed: 'He came ...

ABC Touts George Soros as a Superhero; Ted Turner Is Superman?

George Soros is a superhero along the lines of Batman and Superman? That's the comparison ABC's John Berman made on Thursday's Good Morning America. He was reporting on a closed door meeting of ...

Brokaw Calls for 'Economic Justice,' 'Mother Earth Taken Turn for the Worse'

During his Saturday commencement speech at Fordham U, former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw fretted the "vital signs" of "Mother Earth" have "taken a turn for the worse," as he cited global warming as ...

Time's Amy Sullivan Snarks About Those 'Furious' Pro-Life Catholics

Time magazine's senior editor Amy Sullivan, who, like most of her peers in the mainstream media, is an amateur when it comes to religion, twice implied in May that the pro-life Catholics in the ...

NBC's 'Today': Not Fair to Pit Deeply Disliked Cheney Against Popular Obama

NBC reporter Chuck Todd on Thursday's Today spun the dueling speeches of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney as not "a fair fight." He proclaimed: "Our latest poll ...

NBC: Impediment to Raising Taxes a 'Problem' for California

A night after ABC blamed California's deficit on the "unwillingness to raise taxes" and the need for "an almost unachievable two-thirds vote by the legislature to raise taxes," on Wednesday NBC's ...
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