Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

CBS Trumpets Opposition to 'Notorious' Arizona Law from One Cop and Linda Ronstadt, Already Finds 'Chilling Effect'

Katie Couric teased Thursday's CBS Evening News by trumpeting a lawsuit against it from a lone police officer: "The latest response to Arizona's new immigration law? Sue the state. We'll tell you ...

Couric Touts San Francisco as Proof of 'Backlash Against Arizona's New Immigration Law'

A night after ABC and NBC championed the supposed "growing national backlash" against Arizona's new anti-illegal alien law, CBS caught up as Katie Couric teased her Wednesday newscast by ...

ABC and NBC Champion 'Growing National Backlash' Against 'Laughing Stock' Arizona

ABC and NBC on Tuesday night promoted what Brian Williams embraced as "the growing national backlash against the state of Arizona over its tough new immigration law." ABC's Barbara Pinto touted ...

CBS Again Focuses on Victims in Arizona: 'Many Feel the Sting of Racism in New Law'

CBS framed Arizona's new anti-illegals bill around victims. With "ANGER & ANXIETY" below video of hostile signs ("LAND OF THE FREE! REALLY?" and a Swastika "Achtung! Papers Please"), Katie ...

Delay of Cap and Trade a 'Disaster' and 'Travesty,' Columnist Friedman Despairs, 'Shame on Republicans'

Reacting to news the Obama administration wants to postpone a vote on Cap and Trade in favor of immigration reform, Times columnist Tom Friedman despaired on Sunday's Face the Nation: This is a ...

Delay of Cap & Trade a 'Disaster' and 'Travesty' Friedman Despairs, 'Shame on Republicans'

Reacting to news the Obama administration wants to postpone a vote on "Cap and Trade" in favor of immigration reform, on Sunday's Face the Nation New York Times columnist Tom Friedman despaired: ...

Iceland's Volcano Eruption: 'Judgment for the Bad Things We Have Done to the Earth'

File under Things a Journalist Should Be Too Embarrassed to Cite. In her weekly Washington Post column about the impact of the ash emitted by the volcano in Iceland which shut down European ...

CBS Frames Arizona's Anti-Illegal Alien Law Through Eyes of Opponents: 'Veto Racism'

Arizona's new law hardly earned a friendly reception Friday night, but CBS went the furthest in presenting it from the view of "victims" as Katie Couric, over video of a "Veto Racism" sign, ...

Biden and Bo with TV's Endearing and Cuddly Moments at the Obama White House

Never missing a chance to highlight events that make Team Obama seem to be loveable characters, ABC and NBC on Thursday night showcased endearing and cuddly moments with Joe Biden and First Dog ...

ABC Self-Generates 'Controversy' Over Palin's Innocuous 'Christian Nation' Remark

Horror of horrors, at least to ABC, last week Sarah Palin suggested the U.S. is a "Christian nation," hardly an unusual presumption, but the network discovered "controversy" as anchor Diane Sawyer ...

Flashback: Media Blamed and Condemned Conservatives After Oklahoma City Bombing

The "Special Purveyors of Hate & Division Issue" published in 1995 of the MRC's Notable Quotables newsletter featured a gem from Bryant Gumbel: "The bombing in Oklahoma City has focused ...

Todd: Crist for President?; Remnick Reveals ObamaCare Passed to Gain New Democratic Voters

On HBO, David Remnick, author of the new book, 'The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,' outed the real liberal agenda behind ObamaCare as he predicted that instead of being an "albatross" ...

HBO Sports Documentary Blames Reagan for Racial Tension that Scarred Larry Bird

Catching up with an HBO sports documentary which ran several times in March: 'Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals,' painted Boston Celtics basketball star Larry Bird as the victim of a racist ...

'Watch Your Words,' ABC Advances Clinton's Charge Anti-Obama Rhetoric 'Could Lead to Violent Acts'

"Watch your words," fill-in ABC anchor Elizabeth Vargas scolded in teasing Friday's World News, as she trumpeted: "Former President Clinton warns harsh anti-government talk could lead to violent ...

White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'

"There aren't a lot of African-American men at these events," NBC News reporter Kelly O'Donnell, a white woman, told Darryl Postell, a black man at a Tea Party rally held Thursday in Washington, ...

CBS Gives Tea Partiers Top Billing, But Sees 'Inconsistency' in the FNC-Watching, White Gun Owners

Reporting on a poll which looked at Tea Party activists, CBS's Dean Reynolds realized "they chafe at critics who characterize the movement as extremist or racist for its opposition to the ...

Couric Quotes Einstein in Hailing Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' at Nuclear Security Summit

Katie Couric hailed Obama's "call to action" at the nuclear summit, recited how he had quoted Albert Einstein on the need for "a new manner of thinking is man is to survive" and, reformulating a ...

USA Today's Biskupic Sees SCOTUS of 'Ideological...Conservatives' and 'Pragmatic Liberals'

In a Monday article, USA Today's Joan Biskupic identified retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens as "liberal," but in an accompanying sidebar on "second court picks by recent ...

ABC Vets Insist Obama Not on Left, Blocking ObamaCare Reminds Roberts of 'First Step Toward the Civil War'

On ABC's This Week, when Sam Donaldson recommended that President Barack Obama nominate, to replace Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, someone who "is going to stand up for the principles ' ...

Representation Without Taxation: Little Media Notice for How Nearly Half Pay No Income Tax

An AP dispatch, "Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax," has drawn little attention on television news beyond a morning segment on CNN and some commentary on FNC where Neil Cavuto ...