Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

ABC Uses Palin Campaigning for McCain to Take Gratuitous Shot at Her 2008 'Lost Footing'

In a Friday story on Sarah Palin headlining a John McCain campaign event in Arizona, ABC's David Wright found it somehow newsworthy to remind viewers Palin made verbal miscues in 2008 - as if ...

Nets Not So Excited About Violence and Threats Aimed at ObamaCare Opponents

An evening after all three broadcast network newscasts led by advancing the Democratic narrative of violent ObamaCare critics, a storyline intended to discredit conservatives as all gratuitously ...

Thomas and Beckel Bring 'Common Ground' to Undermining Demonization of Fox News

In the Thursday edition of their every other week "Common Ground" discussion for USA Today, Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel took up the liberal charge the Fox News Channel is out of bounds. Neither ...

Nets Lead with 'Ugly' and 'Menacing' ObamaCare Opponents Fueled by Palin's 'Violent Words and Imagery'

Sounding more like MSNBC's Countdown than impartial newscasts, ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night by legitimizing Democratic talking points meant to discredit critics of the just-passed ...

ABC News Lay Offs Include Two Reporters Noted for Liberal, Pro-Tax Tilt

ABC News correspondents Brian Rooney and Laura Marquez "are among the ABC reporters whose contracts will not be renewed as the network looks to shed anywhere from 300-400 jobs by the end of the ...

Sawyer Claims Everyone Will Be Covered & Shows Kennedy's Grave, CBS Displays Obama's Signature: 'What History Looks Like'

Getting carried away with her enthusiasm, Diane Sawyer opened ABC's World News on Tuesday night by proclaiming: "As of today, it is the law of the land that every man, woman and child in America ...

ABC Highlights Frum's Charge Fox News and Selfish Limbaugh to Blame for Health Defeat

Re President Obama's health bill win, ABC's Terry Moran elevated the view of "prominent conservative" David Frum, author of Newsweek's "Why Rush is Wrong" cover story, who blamed Rush Limbaugh and ...

To 'Indefatigable' Pelosi, Sawyer Wonders What Her Dad and Mom 'Would Have Said About this Moment?'

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer shared the glow of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health policy victory, showing her, in an "ABC News exclusive," a Washington Post with the headline of "Democrats Claim ...

ABC's Sawyer: 'Protesters Roaming' DC, 'Increasingly Emotional, Yelling Slurs and Epithets'

As if anti-ObamaCare protesters are unruly street gangs, ABC's Diane Sawyer, anchoring Sunday's World News on what she touted as "a night for the history books," impugned the opponents as a bunch ...

Hume Predicts Health Bill Win Will Prompt 'Wave of Gushing Coverage' for Obama

Not exactly going out on a limb, but Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume predicted President Barack Obama's success in getting his health bill passed and signed will lead to "a wave of ...

CBS: 'Mean from the Start' Health Debate 'Turned Even Nastier Yesterday' with 'Racial Epithets' and 'Sexual Slurs'

Bob Schieffer began Sunday's Face the Nation with how the health care reform debate "that's been rancorous and mean from the start turned even nastier yesterday" with protesters "shouting 'kill ...

ABC: Anti-ObamaCare Protest 'Turned Very Ugly' with 'Racial and Homophobic Slurs'

Though "thousands" of anti-ObamaCare protesters gathered outside the Capitol on Saturday, ABC decided to smear the entire cause by stressing the despicable actions of a handful as anchor David ...

DC Journalists Get Together Naked to Sweat After Watching Wolf Blitzer

"He believes networking in the nude to be an absolute moral good." Talk about the incestuous relationship amongst sources, policy-makers and the Washington press corps, a Washington Post story, "A ...

ABC Highlights Congresswoman Upset ObamaCare Opponents Dare Pressure Her via TV Ad

Complete with a photo of her late parents, ABC's Jonathan Karl concluded his Friday night story on undecided Democratic House members by conveying the complaint of Penn's Kathy Dahlkemper, who ...

Washington Post's Pearlstein: Passing Health Bill Will 'Restore...Trust and Confidence in Ourselves'

"It's shaping up to be a great weekend here in Washington," Washington Post business columnist Steven Pearlstein proclaimed Friday, because of the likely "vote in the House that would finally have ...

CBS as 'Giddy' as Democrats Over 'Certified Price Tag' from 'Trusted' CBO

"Democrats used the word 'giddy' to describe their reaction when they got the cost estimates from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)," NBC's Kelly O'Donnell relayed Thursday night, ...

ABC Replaces Clinton Operative with the Wife of a Clinton Operative as Amanpour Gets 'This Week'

ABC has made Christiane Amanpour, CNN's international affairs reporter, host of ABC's This Week - replacing a Bill Clinton operative with the wife of an operative for both Bill and Hillary ...

At Correspondents' Dinner, Biden Quips They're Obama's 'Base'

Recycling a theme which President Barack Obama used last year at media dinners, that shows self-awareness of how journalists are allies, headlining Wednesday night's Radio and Television ...

Competitors See FNC's Baier as 'Contentious' with Obama While ABC Devotes Full Story to Obama's NCAA Picks

CBS and NBC, which have delivered very friendly interviews with President Barack Obama (link below the jump to examples), on Wednesday night characterized Bret Baier's sit-down with Obama for the ...

CBS Charged Anti-ObamaCare Protesters Acted in 'Ugly' Manner, But Politico Found Them 'Polite' and 'Boring'

CBS's Chip Reid tried to discredit anti-ObamaCare protesters, claiming the Tea Party activists "tried to lobby undecided Democrats. At times, it got ugly." But Politico relayed "staff members for ...