Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

ABC Empathizes with White House: a Coakley Loss 'Shakespearean,' 'Tragedy of Greek Proportions'

ABC on Monday night again empathized with the Obama White House's disbelief that they could lose "Ted Kennedy's Senate seat" - and thus ObamaCare - if Republican Scott Brown beats Democrat Martha ...

Halperin: Obama's Done 'Extraordinary Job'; Woodward: He's No European Socialist

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Mark Halperin of Time and formerly with ABC News, hailed Barack Obama as having done "an extraordinary job [as President]...under difficult circumstances." On the same ...

Actor Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti Earthquake

Far-left actor Danny Glover, during an online interview this week, proposed global warming caused the devastating earthquake in Haiti: "They're all in peril because of global warming....When we ...

Olbermann Uses Devastating Haiti Justify ObamaCare!

The devastating earthquake in Haiti, which may have killed tens of thousands or more, "reminded" MSNBC's Keith Olbermann of why ObamaCare is needed in the United States as he saw "what health care ...

Awed Actress Meryl Streep 'Star-Struck' by Barack and Michelle Obama

"Hollywood actress Meryl Streep has admitted that the only person she has been star-struck by is U.S. President Barack Obama," an India Times item posted on Sunday reported, quoting the actress: ...

As Stephanopoulos Leaves 'This Week,' News of a Booster Seat in the Morning

At the end of Sunday's This Week, George Stephanopoulos announced it was his last broadcast as the host and an item in Sunday's Boston Herald revealed that ABC had to purchase a special chair for ...

ABC's Sawyer Hails Obama: 'Buck Stops Here' an 'Echo of Another Young President'

ABC anchor Diane Sawyer heard "an echo of another young President in another time" in President Obama's "the buck stops here" taking of responsibility for the failed Christmas Day terrorist plot ...

CBS Commentator: 00's Brought 'Intellectual' President, Also 'Blight' of Palin Chinese Drywall

CBS's Sunday Morning featured a commentary in which New Yorker magazine staff writer Rebecca Mead looked back at the past decade and hailed the "remarkable...election of a certified intellectual ...

Moran and Brownstein Take Swipes at Limbaugh's Health System 'Just Dandy'

On Sunday's This Week, fill-in host Terry Moran, along with Ron Brownstein and Cynthia Tucker, took swipes at Rush Limbaugh for his contention that his good experience at a Honolulu hospital ...

ABC Despairs Demise of Death Tax Means 'Government Will Lose Billions in Revenue'

"Congress let renewing the estate tax slip through the legislative cracks and gone with it is $14 billion for the U.S. Treasury," ABC anchor John Berman fretted in setting up a Saturday night ...

Ex-Washington Post Ombudsman, Who Recognized Liberal Bias, Killed in New Zealand

Deborah Howell, the Washington Post's ombudsman from late 2005 through the end of 2008, "suffered fatal injuries when struck by a vehicle" while vacationing in New Zealand. She recognized and ...

CBS Frets Obama Must Work and So Can't 'Recharge His Batteries' During Hawaii Vacation

The failures that allowed the unsuccessful Christmas Day terrorist attack have marred President Barack Obama's relaxation schedule in Hawaii, CBS's Jeff Glor and Chip Reid regretted Thursday night ...

Third Runners-Up Quotes in the MRC's Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

The third runners-up quotes in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The Twenty-Second Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Today's quotes include: "The Republican National ...

ABC's Wright Offers Sarcasm in Story on Conservative Criticism of Obama on Terrorism

ABC on Wednesday night reported on criticism from the right of how President Barack Obama is addressing terrorism, but correspondent David Wright tried to discredit the critics' points by reacting ...

Boston Herald's Film Reviewer Baffled Gore's Movie Didn't Propel Him Into Presidency

Naming his ten best movies of "the first decade of the 21st century," Boston Herald film reviewer James Verniere on Tuesday in his list, "Closing credits: As decade fades to black, 10 films ...

Second Runners-Up Quotes in the MRC's Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

The second runners-up quotes in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The Twenty-Second Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Today's quotes include Newsweek: "Spock's cool, ...

First Runners-Up Quotes in the MRC's Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

The first runners-up quotes in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The Twenty-Second Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Quotes today include: Newsweek's cover adulation: "The ...

Winning Quotes in the MRC's Best of NQ Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting

The winning quotes in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The Twenty-Second Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." The awards issue was posted, with videos, on Monday, December 21, ...

Mitchell Hails Success of 'Obama Doctrine,' Palin's Wallace-Like Appeal 'Does Frighten Me'

On Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC's Andrea Mitchell insisted the "Obama Doctrine" has "borne fruit," but "it is not perceived yet" - though the President has already "united the world behind the ...

Fox Newswatch Highlights Couric and Klein in MRC's Awards for Worst Reporting

Saturday's Fox Newswatch on FNC highlighted two "winners" in the MRC's "Best Notable Quotables of 2009: The 22nd Annual Awards for the Year's Worst Reporting." Viewers were treated to Katie Couric ...