Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Actress Playing Alien Leader Would 'Love to Meet' the 'Charming' and 'Smart' Obama

Actress Morena Baccarin, who plays "Anna," the leader of the malevolent aliens on ABC's sci-fi 'V' series, told USA Today that "I would love to meet Obama" since he's "charming" and a "smart, ...

CBS Catches Up with Conservatives and Realizes Obama Has 'Credibility' Problem

Long after conservatives and the American people figured it out, CBS on Monday night came to the realization President Barack Obama has a "credibility" problem fueled by the "disconnect" between ...

61% Realize Palin's Been 'Treated Unfairly by the Press'

MSM polls may say a majority don't consider Sarah Palin qualified to be President (60 percent), but just as many people recognize the media's unfair hostility toward her. "About six in 10 ...

ABC's Johnson Recites Canard Lack of Health Insurance Kills 45,000 Annually

In contending America already has health care rationing, ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson, a universal coverage advocate, on Friday night's World News asserted "a recent Harvard study estimated that 45,000 ...

On MSNBC, Ebony Honoree Dyson: Obama's 'Brought Sexy Brilliance Back to the White House'

MSNBC publicized Ebony magazine's "Power 150" picks by bringing aboard two left-wing honorees during Friday's 11 AM EST hour. Mchael Eric Dyson rejoiced: "We have a man in the White House who has ...

On MSNBC, Ebony Honoree Dyson: Obama's 'Brought Sexy Brilliance Back to the White House'

MSNBC publicized Ebony's "Power 150" picks by bringing aboard two left-wing honorees, Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson, during Friday's 11 AM EST hour. Dyson rejoiced: "We have a man in the ...

Flashback: Year Ago MSNBC Riveted by Palin's Turkey 'Carnage'

One year ago, Thursday, November 20 - like today, the Thursday one week before Thanksgiving - MSNBC ridiculously plastered "BREAKING NEWS" on-screen for video of Sarah Palin at a turkey farm just ...

NBC's Todd and CBS's Reid Fret Over 'Stress' of Presidency on Obama

NBC's Chuck Todd and CBS's Chip Reid both concluded their interviews with President Obama conducted in Beijing by worrying about the "stress" of his job. "He laughed off the speculation about his ...

Palin Regrets - 'Dang It' - Journalists Didn't Get 'Fish-Slimed,' NBC's Mitchell Reports

Looking at Sarah Palin's new book, NBC's Andrea Mitchell caught a passage about herself in which Palin recalled that when she invited some reporters to go fishing with her that "I wanted to see ...

David Brooks Derides Palin as a 'Joke' and 'Talk Show Host'; Only Ifill Sees Her Appeal

The roundtable members on Sunday's This Week derided or dismissed Sarah Palin, with David Brooks, the putative conservative columnist for the New York Times, declaring "she's a joke" and ...

No Party ID on ABC for Imprisoned Jefferson; CBS Skips Sentencing

Former Congressman William Jefferson, the New Orleans Democrat, was sentenced Friday to 13 years in prison, yet the CBS Evening News didn't utter a word about it, just as that newscast ignored his ...

CBS: Obama 'So Thoroughly Researching Critical' Afghanistan Decision 'a Good Thing'

News that President Obama is demanding new Afghanistan options and answers, after months and eight meetings with top officials on General Stanley McChrystal's request for more troops, led ABC's ...

CBS and NBC Skip Hasan's Ominous 'We Love Death More Than You Love Life'

Tuesday night ABC's Brian Ross highlighted how in 2007 Nidal Hasan had exposed his radicalism and threat when he declared: "We love death more than you love life." But neither CBS nor NBC cited ...

Flashback: ABC's Boston Legal Ridiculed Idea MD Could Be a Terrorist

Two-and-a-half years before Army Major Nidal Hasan, a Muslim medical doctor, murdered 13 at Fort Hood in Texas in what more-and-more looks like a jihadist terrorist attack, ABC's since-canceled ...

'We're Going to Have to Have More Stimulus, More Spending,' Donaldson Contends

Friday's report on October, two old hands in the Washington press corps appeared on Sunday morning shows where they asserted that means we need another stimulus bill and/or the problem is the ...

'Cringe' That Mass Killer a Muslim Since It 'Inflames' Right Wing, 'That Makes It Much Worse'

Newsweek's Evan Thomas regretted the Fort Hood mass murderer is a Muslim because of how that will be abused by conservatives: "I cringe that he's a Muslim. I mean, because it inflames all the ...

ABC Frets: Plight of Muslim Soldiers Toughest Since Japanese-Americans in WWII

ABC doubled the length of its evening newscast on Friday night and World News used its second half hour to suggest an exculpatory reason behind Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan's mass killing at Fort ...

'Noisy Rally' By 'a Few Thousand' Matched by 'Powerful' AARP and AMA Endorsements

The ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts Thursday night squeezed in full stories pegged to a "kill the bill" anti-Pelosi/ObamaCare rally outside the U.S. Capitol attended by "angry protesters" as all the ...

CBS and NBC Fail to ID Hasan as Muslim; ABC's Raddatz Relays: 'I Wish His Name was Smith'

Neither CBS nor NBC, in their East coast feeds Thursday night, noted the Muslim religious beliefs of the mass killer at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, but ABC anchor Charles Gibson wasn't cowed ...

Schieffer Absolves Obama, Throws Losing Dems Under Bus: Just Bad Candidates

CBS's Bob Schieffer on Wednesday night offered the hindsight that everyone knew the Democratic gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey would lose, they did lose and so the losses mean ...