Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Couric Touts How 'Most of Us Are Ready to Say Good Riddance' to Past Decade

More than a year before the end of "the first decade of the 21st century," Katie Couric publicized a non-CBS News poll which, she relayed, found "as we get ready to close the chapter on the first ...

ABC's Roberts: People Will Be Thrilled by Health Bill Once They 'Understand' It, Hails Reid

"There's a lot in" the health care bill "lot of people are going to like a whole lot once they see what's in it," ABC News veteran Cokie Roberts contended on Sunday's This Week as she blamed ...

Gibson Rues Loss of Media Objectivity....Moments After Johnson Pontificates on Health

ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson shared his view he "absolutely" favors passage of the current ObamaCare bill, though "I would personally prefer to have public option and/or Medicare expansion directly ...

CBS Leads with Byrd's 'Shame, Shame' in Story on GOP 'Delaying Tactics'

Centering a Friday night story on how, as anchor Katie Couric explained, "Republicans are doing everything they can to block" the "health reform" bill, "including delaying tactics in this race ...

Gibson Empathizes with Obama: 'Holy God, What a Weight that Is on Your Shoulders'

In his swan song interview with President Barack Obama, which consumed more than ten minutes of World News, ABC's Charles Gibson couldn't have provided a friendlier or more empathetic platform to ...

CBS Relays Liberal Anger 'Their Agenda is Being Hijacked by a Few'

CBS's Nancy Cordes expressed exasperation at how a few Senators have "successfully blocked the public option even though the other 55 Democrats support it...leading some liberals to complain their ...

Gibson's Reminiscing Humanizes Obama and Biden as He Re-Runs Whacks at Reagan and Palin

Beginning his last week as anchor of ABC's World News before retiring on Friday, Charles Gibson ended his final Monday newscast by reminiscing about the political stories he's covered over his ...

Humorist Presumes Liberal Bias in Unveiling 'Secrets Journalists Never Told You'

In "sharing my do's and don'ts" as a journalist, Washington Post humor columnist Gene Weingarten found good fodder in the presumption journalists are out to help liberals and Democrats while ...

In Touting 'Climate Justice' Protesters, Networks Oblivious to Communist Participation

Network journalists who were quick to see racists amongst the "tea party" protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the "climate justice" march in Copenhagen whose cause they ...

NBC Showcases Statue of Barry Obama at 10 with Nobel Medal and Butterfly

NBC's Brian Williams took time Thursday night to show video a statue of President Barack Obama at age 10, then known as Barry, being unveiled in Jakarta, near where he attended school. "The statue ...

Will Smith: 'Barack Obama as an Idea Marks an Evolutionary Flash Point for Humanity'

Barack Obama as an idea marks an evolutionary flash point for humanity," gushed actor Will Smith, who will co-host Friday's Nobel Peace Prize Concert in Oslo. His idealization of Obama came during ...

ClimateGate 'An Inconvenient Scandal' Which 'Threatens to Crumble' Global Warming Consensus

ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy ...

CBS and NBC Trumpet UN Predictions About Warmest Decade Since 1850

CBS and NBC on Tuesday nightly eagerly pounced on the latest UN pronouncement about a warming world. NBC's Brian Williams touted "a big headline from that climate meeting going on in Copenhagen. ...

New Panic Hook: 'Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity'

Prepare for more panic talk about the end of the world as Dr. James Hansen, a leading global warming alarmist whose temperature data has come under question, launches a media tour for his new book ...

Nets Panic: Clock at Zero in 'Life and Death' Effort to Avoid 'Global Catastrophe'

"Facing a clock some say has ticked down to zero, today 192 nations came together to take on a potential global catastrophe," a dire ABC reporter Bob Woodruff ominously intoned from Copenhagen on ...

ABC and NBC Acknowledge 'ClimateGate,' But Remain Undeterred: 'Science is Solid'

More than two weeks after ClimateGate broke, ABC's World News finally got around to mentioning it Sunday evening, but not to explore how the e-mails discredited leading scientists who insist ...

NBC's Historian Goodwin Campaigns for Democratic Senate Candidate

Before the Democratic primary vote on Tuesday in Massachusetts to replace the late Senator Ted Kennedy, a chance to catch up with how historian Doris Kearns Goodwin - a favorite of NBC News - ...

NBC Nightly News Takes Up ClimateGate, But Frets It Could 'Delay Taking Action'

NBC Nightly News on Friday night became the first broadcast network morning or evening news program to inform viewers about "ClimateGate," but only in the most cursory manner as Anne Thompson ...

Couric Heralds Obama's 'Historic Week in an Already Historic Year'

Serving as a stenographer to Obama operatives trying to magnify the import of the President's schedule, Katie Couric trumpeted: "White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says this will be an ...

CBS's Face the Nation Worries 'Moderates' Excluded from GOP in 'Suicide Pact'

CBS devoted half of Sunday's Face the Nation to the pressing question of "divisions within the Republican Party: Is there room for moderates?" Fill-in host Harry Smith posed loaded questions, such ...