Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Williams Prompts Carter: What, In 'Your Wiring,' Has 'Set You Apart' from Other Presidents?

Just over two weeks after NBC's Brian Williams pushed former President Jimmy Carter's racism charge, Williams devoted more than two minutes of Thursday's NBC Nightly News to marking Carter's 85th ...

Brian Williams Highlights 'Incendiary' Attack on GOP by Dem Congressman

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts on Wednesday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams gave attention to "incendiary" comments made by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson of ...

Couric Champions Obama-Obama-Oprah Olympic Quest 'Dream Team'

With First Lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey now in Copenhagen, CBS anchor Katie Couric on Wednesday night declared "the 'Dream Team' pushing Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympic summer games is ...

ABC's Johnson Insists: 'Public Option or Regulation, the Government Has to Play a Role'

In the wake of a Senate committee's rejection of the "public option," ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson argued we must follow Switzerland and Germany which have "very heavy government regulation" on health ...

Andy Williams Inverts Rush Limbaugh: Barack Obama 'Wants the Country to Fail'

President Obama "wants the country to fail," legendary singer Andy Williams declared in flipping Rush Limbaugh's hope Obama "fails" in his quest to enact left-wing policies. Williams: "I think he ...

Nets Tout Olympics 'Super-Fan' Obama's 'Swifter, Higher, Stronger' Effort to Land 2016 Games

President Barack Obama's last-minute decision to fly Thursday to Copenhagen to pitch Chicago's bid for the 2016 summer Olympic games excited broadcast network journalists Monday night. "The ...

Gregory Asks Clinton If 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' Now 'Targeting' Obama?

Imagining a "vast right wing conspiracy" to discredit info about her husband's activities with an intern was ludicrous when Hillary Clinton made up the foil, but David Gregory treated it as ...

Top Washington Post Editor Forced Off Twitter After Urging More Spending on Health Care

A few weeks ago Washington Post Managing Editor Raju Narisetti rued in this tweet via his Twitter account: "We can incur all sorts of federal deficits for wars and what not. But we have to promise ...

NBC's DA McCoy: 'It's About Time Somebody' Prosecuted Bush Officials for Torture

Playing out a liberal dream, the season premiere of NBC's Law and Order delivered a plot in which the local district attorney prosecuted a former Justice Dept lawyer for "depraved indifference ...

On Leno's Show, Limbaugh Runs Car Over Al Gore - Then Backs Up and Does It Again

Taking the "Green Car Challenge" on Thursday night's Jay Leno Show, a svelte Rush Limbaugh hopped into the electric Ford Focus on Leno's track, but instead of driving around the hanging cut outs ...

Leno Zings Matthews: He's Amongst 'Drooling Blondes Rubbing Up Against' Obama

Jay Leno delivered a monologue joke, with MSNBC's Chris Matthews as the punch line, on Wednesday night's prime time Jay Leno Show on NBC: "Michelle Obama was very upset by all these drooling ...

Obama 'Tells the World America's 'Go It Alone' Policy is Over,' Couric Hails

ABC, CBS and NBC all led Wednesday night with President Barack Obama's address at the United Nations, but Katie Couric was the most effusive in trumpeting how Obama marked the end of the Bush era ...

ABC Notices Obama Administration's Effort to Suppress Criticism of ObamaCare

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's decision to go to the Senate floor on Tuesday to call out the Obama administration for using the full power of a federal regulatory agency to suppress free ...

Obama Disappoints NBC By 'Falling Short' on 'Climate Change,' Fret Expectations 'Dashed'

President Obama disappointed NBC by failing, at the UN's "Summit on Climate Change," to go far enough on global warming. "President Obama's being accused of falling short on the environment today ...

News Photographer Excoriates Newsweek for Cropping to Make Cheney Look 'Sinister'

Famed news photographer David Hume Kennerly took to the New York Times' "Lens" blog last week, with an update on Monday in which he denounced Newsweek's "skewed imagery to advance its editorial ...

Letterman Glows to Obama: 'I Can't Tell You How Satisfying It Is to Watch You Work'

David Letterman, who still regularly ridicules former President George W. Bush, didn't hide his affinity for Barack Obama during his Monday night Late Show interview of the President. "I can't ...

Obama Blitz Roundup: 'Meanness' on Right, Pelosi's Warning, Only ABC Raises ACORN

In the series of network interviews recorded Friday at the White House for airing on the ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Sunday morning interview shows, all highlighted Jimmy Carter's charge that racism is ...

Obama's 'Extraordinary Media Blitz' Begins Friday Night with Focus on Racism Charge

TV network journalists Friday night marveled at President Obama's "media blitz" on health even as they reveled in it as they made the very "blitz" and clips from the interviews (conducted Friday ...

CBS Disguises Single-Payer Group's 45,000 Deaths Claim as a 'Harvard' Study

Trying to boost the rationale for ObamaCare, Thursday's CBS Evening News ran two stories from far-left sources, but disguised the agenda behind both. Katie Couric announced that "while the debate ...

NBC: 'Blunt' Carter 'Prompted Us to Reexamine Our Assumptions About Race'

An evening after trumpeting President Jimmy Carter's racism charge, NBC led Wednesday night with the "fallout" as Andrea Mitchell proposed that though "many thought" the "racial divisions" were ...