Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Flashback: When Gibson was Enthralled by Cindy Sheehan

The Washington Examiner's Byron York blogged Thursday about how ABC anchor Charles Gibson declared "enough already" when asked about Cindy Sheehan's plan to travel to President Barack Obama's ...

Baltimore Sun's Zurawik: Novak 'a Very Dark Force in Cable TV News'

Less than two hours after the news of Bob Novak's passing on Tuesday, Baltimore Sun television critic David Zurawik, a regular on CNN's Reliable Sources, excoriated Novak as "a very dark force in ...

Nets Use Nazi Comparison to Tar Obama Opponents, Delight in Barney Frank's Retort

ABC, CBS and NBC on Wednesday night all showcased liberal Congressman Barney Frank's rejoinder - "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" - to a woman's question: "Why do you continue to ...

Don Hewitt, RIP: Reprimanded Rather and CBS Over Bush National Guard Hit Piece

Don Hewitt, creator of CBS's 60 Minutes who passed away Wednesday, recognized the bias which led Dan Rather to target President George W. Bush with a 2004 story based on forged documents, as he ...

NBC: After Town Hall 'Madness' Obama Condition 'Stable'; Don't Fact Check Obama

NBC turned opposition to ObamaCare into a "split" in public opinion in a NBC poll as Chuck Todd assessed Obama's health effort "is stable," and he listed four charges against the bills which he ...

MRC Friend Bob Novak Passes Away; A Look at His Insights About the Media

Sadly, news came Tuesday that Robert Novak passed away, at age 78, after a battle with brain cancer. Starting in 1994 Novak generously helped the MRC as a judge for our annual "Best Notable ...

Boston Globe Rankled: 'Rockwellian Ideal...Replaced by Quarrelsome Masses Hollering'

Catching up with a front page Boston Globe story from late last week, the newspaper failed to limit its liberal laments, and belittling of conservatives, to the editorial page: "This summer, the ...

Ex-CNN Reporter Denounces 'Organized Intimidation' By 'Crazed' ObamaCare Opponents

"What do you call a crazed group of people that disrupts a meeting on health care and hangs the congressman holding it in effigy?" Former CNN Washington correspondent Bob Franken, in a Friday blog ...

Nets Disparage Protests: Getting 'Ugly' and 'Unruly,' Scold Limbaugh But Skip Pelosi

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts in near-unison on Friday night disparaged the anti-ObamaCare protests at town meetings as "unruly," "nasty" and "getting ugly," while CBS and NBC targeted ...

After Guilty Verdicts, NBC Fails to ID Jefferson's Party Affiliation

Wednesday's NBC Nightly News devoted a full minute to the guilty convictions for bribery, racketeering and wire fraud against former nine-term Louisiana Democratic Congressman William Jefferson, ...

ABC: Town Hall Wrath at ObamaCare 'Appears to Be Orchestrated'

ABC framed its Tuesday night story, on citizens using town hall forums held by Members of Congress to express opposition to ObamaCare, around undermining their credibility by asserting the ...

Flashback: 35% of Democrats Think Bush Knew of 9/11 Attacks in Advance

MSNBC hosts have been fixated over using "birthers" to discredit conservatives, highlighting a poll which found a majority of Republicans (58%) either believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. ...

Baskin Becomes 13th MSM Journalist to Spin Through Revolving Door for Obama

Roberta Baskin, a veteran of CBS News, ABC News, PBS and Washington, DC's ABC affiliate, with a stint at the Center for Public Integrity mixed in, "will join the Department of Health and Human ...

CBS Notices 'Voices of Protest' Against 'What They Call Government-Run Health Care'

Monday's CBS Evening News found time for a story on protesters, against liberal Democratic health plans, who confronted members of Congress at forums over the weekend, though reporter Wyatt ...

Washington Post Headline Encapsulates Press Corps Attitude

As the weekend ends, catching up with a Wednesday Washington Post article which encapsulated how journalists are revolted by conservative economic policy and upset at how an aversion to tax hikes ...

Year Ago GDP Jump 'Disappointing'; This Year Negative GDP: 'Whole Lot Brighter,' ABC Credits 'Stimulus'

A year ago, when GDP rose 1.9%, CBS centered a story around the "disappointing" news while ABC and NBC ignored it. But Friday night, Katie Couric crowed a 1% Q2 decline means the "glimmer of hope ...

'Paging Dr. Obama' Makes It Seven Time Mag Covers Since Election for Obama

Time magazine's August 10 edition with President Barack Obama on the cover ("Paging Dr. Obama") trying to heal the nation in a photo illustration as a physician, wearing a white smock with a ...

ABC and NBC Jump to Herald Obama's Presidential Medal of Freedom Picks

When Obama does it, it's news. ABC and NBC on Thursday night made time to highlight who President Barack Obama will bestow with a Presidential Medal of Freedom in two weeks. Both started with ...

Bad Polls for Obama; CBS Finds Bright Spots, NBC Skates Over Devastating Judgment

CBS and NBC released polls Wed. that illustrated how the public is moving against President Obama on health as his overall approval fell to its lowest-ever level. But while both conveyed the bad ...

Revolving Door from Journalism to Team Obama Now Up to a Dozen

With the revelation that Newsweek Washington bureau reporter Daren Briscoe will start a new job on Monday as Deputy Associate Director of Public Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control ...