Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Capehart on MSNBC: GOP Now Must 'Skip a Generation and Wait for the Meghan McCains'

In the wake of the revelations about Mark Sanford, Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart declared on MSNBC: "Maybe what the Republican Party is going to have to do is skip a ...

HBO Can't Resist Hostile Guantanamo Cliches in Piece on Diving Rehab

HBO's Real Sports promised a look at an "inspirational therapeutic program" in which wounded warriors are able to go diving off Guantanamo Bay, but Bryant Gumbel and Jon Frankel couldn't resist ...

CBS Confirms ObamaCare Would Oust People from Health Insurance and Doctor

CBS, of all news outlets, is setting a high standard for ABC to meet in its White House broadcasts. Tuesday night, just a week after a "Reality Check" on how President Obama's claim that his ...

Krauthammer: Press 'Stupor' on Obama 'Lifting Slightly'; Hume: Reporters Were Tired of Criticism

Columnist Charles Krauthammer noted on FNC's Special Report that while "there wasn't exactly aggressiveness on the part of the press" during the afternoon presidential press conference, "it looked ...

NYT Editor Bill Keller Denies Pro-Obama Bias on ABC

The paper's executive editor insisted, against all evidence, that the president is "getting examined pretty microscopically."

NY Times and WashPost Paint Spies for Cuba as Endearing Elderly Couple

"She fell for his worldly sophistication" while he "admired her work helping ordinary people," gushed a front page Friday NY Times story on Gwendolyn and Kendall Myers, charged with spying for ...

Stephanopoulos: Obama' 'Obsessed' with FNC; NYT's Keller Denies Pro-Obama Bias

ABC's This Week took up media favoritism toward Obama. George Stephanopoulos marveled at "how obsessed" Obama is with Fox News, prompting George Will to observe "it's the discordant note in an ...

Juan Williams Decries 'High Tide' of Media 'Kowtowing' to Obama

The media are so far into the tank for President Obama that even the fairly liberal Juan Williams decried on FNC: "We are going towards a weekend of high tide for kowtowing to the Obama ...

BBC's Kay Denounces 'Demonizing' of Public Option as 'Some Sort of Step Toward Socialism'

Sticking up for European socialism, Friday night on HBO's Real Time, BBC America's Katty Kay contended the "idea of demonizing" a "public option" for U.S. health care "as some sort of step toward ...

ABC Promises 'Tough Questions' for Obama in 'Television Event'

Friday's World News carried a 15-second promo for Wednesday night's controversial prime time special, "Questions for the President: Prescription for America." Over video of President Barack Obama, ...

NBC Paints Cancer Victim as Emblematic of Need for 'Public Option'

Centering its story around a man unable to get "affordable" health insurance after a battle with cancer, Thursday's NBC Nightly News devoted its "In-Depth" segment to the "public option," what ...

NBC Chafes Obama's Honeymoon Over, But 'It's Not Personal, It's Professional'

"The honeymoon is coming to an end for President Obama," NBC's Chuck Todd fretted Wed. night in summarizing a NBC poll. "But," he rebounded, "it's not personal. It's professional as now the public ...

CBS Airs 'Reality Check' on Obama's False Claim Health Plan 'Deficit Neutral'

Reality catches up with CBS News which on Tuesday night ran a "Reality Check" story on how a new CBO report shows President Obama's claim that his government-expansion health care plan won't hike ...

Uighurs Tell FNC: Better Human Rights at Guantanamo Than in China

FNC's Catherine Herridge traveled to Bermuda to meet the four Chinese Muslim Uighurs released from Guantanamo Bay and she elicited from them that living in China is worse than life at Guantanamo. ...

ABC's Dr. Tim Johnson Glows Over Obama's 'Very Tender Moment' with AMA

President Barack Obama created "a very tender moment," as he addressed the American Medical Association, and "was right on target at reaching out to the heart of most physicians" ABC's Dr. Tim ...

Letterman Makes Full Apology for Joke About Palin's Daughter

"David Letterman is making a full-throated apology for his controversial joke about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter," TV Week reported a short while ago. "During a taping of tonight's [Monday ...

Flashbacks: Letterman Has Derided Sarah Palin Before (with videos)

With Sarah Palin condemning David Letterman's joke about her daughter, a look back at some of Letterman's previous hostility toward Palin after she emerged as the GOP's VP nominee - as documented, ...

ABC: 'Potential Wave of Domestic Terror' vs NBC: 'No Spike' in Hate Group Activity

ABC's Pierre Thomas on Thursday night delivered an ominous story on how "radicals of the ultra-fringe, filled with rage about illegal immigration, fear of losing their guns, abortion and race ...