Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Williams Gets Cute Over 'Beer Summit' at the White House

Extending the auspices of NBC News to provide some damage control help to President Obama's damage control-inspired meeting at the White House, Brian Williams announced: "Professor Gates reported ...

Nets Advance Taxing Big Soda to Pay for ObamaCare

ABC and CBS on Monday night couldn't resist interjecting a plug for imposing a tax on soda to bring in revenue to pay for ObamaCare. ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi asserted "health officials seem to like ...

ABC Champions 'Liberal Lion' as Inspiration for Obama Heath Care Takeover

Sunday's World News devoted a full story to Ted Kennedy's cause as Dan Harris' tease framed Kennedy's big government agenda in the most-benign light: "In the game. An ailing Ted Kennedy, now ...

Time Mag's Between Paragraph Anti-Bush and Cheney Potshot Links

Time magazine's online staff certainly undermined any notion of impartiality in how they littered the posted version of this week's cover story, "Inside Bush and Cheney's Final Days," with the ...

Cronkite Pushed RFK to Run for President; Would've Accepted McGovern's VP Spot

Belying the image of Walter Cronkite as an journalist without any political motives, in 1967 he secretly "pleaded" with Senator Robert Kennedy to run as an anti-Vietnam war candidate for President ...

Krauthammer: 'Supine' Media Lulled Arrogant Obama into Race Muddle

President Obama's experience last year earning fawning press coverage as a "genius" on race relations lulled him into assuming "he can say anything on race and is so smart that he will be ...

Couric Pouts Over Gates Distraction: 'Just as He Was Pushing So Hard for Health Care Reform'

Katie Couric on Friday night trumpeted as "extraordinary" President Obama's appearance in the White House briefing room to address the "racial profiling" furor he inflamed - which CBS ran for a ...

Rush Limbaugh: 'The Press Has Met Their Waterloo and It's Obama'

Expounding on a formulation he's propounded this week on his radio show in pivoting off Senator Jim DeMint's prediction health care could become President Obama's "Waterloo," in an interview with ...

Nets Fail to ID Party of Pols Arrested in NJ; CNN Misleads Its Viewers

As usual, the network evening newscasts all failed to point out the party affiliation of the major New Jersey office-holders the FBI arrested Thursday for corruption. As AP pointed out, all but ...

Terry Moran's Big Scoop: Obama 'Prays All the Time'

Wrapping up a preview of his day with President Obama for Thursday's Nightline, ABC's Terry Moran informed World News anchor Charles Gibson: "I also took the opportunity at this juncture to ask ...

NBC's Snyderman: 'I Was Rooting for the President to Hit a Home Run'

NBC's medical correspondent, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, was "rooting" for President Barack Obama to do well in selling his health care takeover during his Wednesday night press conference: "As an ...

NBC Wades Into 'Spreading Lies about President Obama's...U.S. Citizenship'

Daring to go where only cable has gone so far, Wednesday's NBC Nightly News waded into the rampant claims that President Barack Obama is somehow really not a U.S. citizen. Brian Williams didn't ...

Night After Slamming DeMint as 'Incendiary,' Couric Makes Same Point to Obama

A night after CBS slammed as "incendiary" Senator Jim DeMint's observation that if Republicans are able to block Obama's health care push, "it will be his Waterloo, it will break him," CBS anchor ...

CBS Discredits Steele and DeMint on ObamaCare as 'Harsh' and 'Incendiary,' Couric Hails Kennedy

For the second weekday in a row, Katie Couric teased the CBS Evening News by delivering President Obama's aggressive retorts to critics of his health plan as Chip Reid pitched in to help, ...

Walter Cronkite Review: 'Gawd Almighty,' Shout 'the Truths' of Liberalism

In 2006 the MRC put together a compilation outlining how, since his retirement in 1981 after nineteen years as anchor of the CBS Evening News, Walter Cronkite had made clear his liberal views on a ...

Nets Plug Kennedy's 'Dramatic' and 'Emotional Pitch for Health Care Reform'

Newsweek engaged itself deeper in the battle for nationalized health by turning over its cover story - "We're Almost There" - to Senator Ted Kennedy for his recitation of "the cause of my life." ...

CBS Spins Setback for Obama on Health Into 'Warning from the President'

A night after CBS and NBC skipped the assessment from the CBO chief that the Senate and House health plans won't meet President Obama's pledge to not increase deficit spending, the two networks ...

ABC's Greenburg: Sotomayor Not 'Liberal Activist' But 'Almost Conservative'

Summing up Sonia Sotomayor's performance during four days of hearings, ABC's Jan Crawford Greenburg on Thursday night asserted her record "proved Sotomayor was a liberal activist." But, Greenburg ...

Only ABC Cites 'Devastating' CBO Judgment and 50%+ Tax Rates to Pay for Health Care

"Congress's chief budget analyst delivered a devastating assessment yesterday of the health care proposals drafted by congressional Democrats," the Washington Post reported, but of the broadcast ...

Flashback: John John Was No 'Sun God,' Chappaquiddick Was a Kopechne Tragedy

"The sudden death of the only son of an assassinated President is certainly a major news story, but the TV nets used his death as a chance to launch a week-long tribute to him as America's 'crown ...