Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

CBS and NBC Push Obama's Health Agenda, Empathize with His Challenge

The White House's decision to offer interviews with the President to the medical doctors who are correspondents for ABC, CBS and NBC paid off Wednesday night with stories that embraced the ...

Nets, But Not CNN, Bury Sotomayor's Admission of 'Wise Latina' v 'Wise Caucasian' Disparity

CNN's Wolf Blitzer late Tuesday afternoon characterized it as "an incredibly important exchange" when Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor "concurred" with Senator Lindsey Graham that he would ...

CBS Again Insists Sotomayor No Ideologue; Scant Attention to Plunge in Obama's Approval

CBS's Wyatt Andrews insisted Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor cannot be categorized ideologically and highlighted "the first spotlight moment for...Al Franken who cast himself as new but ...

CBS's Sunday Morning Airs Indictment of Media from Aunt of Soldier Killed in Afghanistan

CBS gave only 13 secs Monday night to the deaths of seven soldiers in Afghanistan, but CBS's Sunday Morning should be commended for giving the aunt, of a soldier killed the same day Michael ...

Seven Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Get 1/20th Time Given to Jackson

Two days after the Washington Post carried a letter from a woman who asked "where was the coverage of my nephew or the other soldiers" who were killed in the days after Michael Jackson died, ...

ABC Showcases Russian Teens Excited by Obama: 'Energetic' and 'Innovator'

After the Bush years Russians are naturally "wary" of a U.S. President, but ABC still managed to highlight teens, at a "Kremlin-sponsored summer camp," optimistic about President Obama." One ...

Regrets Media Didn't Memorialize a Soldier Killed Same Day Jackson Died

Army 1st Lt. Brian N. Bradshaw was killed in Afghanistan, fighting in a war to protect all Americans, the same day that Michael Jackson died, prompting a letter to the Washington Post from ...

Tucker on ABC: Palin 'Nixon Without the Policy Knowledge or the Experience'

Sarah Palin hasn't had it as tough as Hillary Clinton and at her Friday announcement Palin "came across as petty and vindictive. Richard Nixon without the policy knowledge or the experience," ...

NBC's Viqueira Likens 'Erratic' Palin to Ross Perot

A night after NBC's Chuck Todd predicted Sarah Palin will make fundraising appearances where she'll draw "car-wreck watchers," Todd's colleague, Mike Viqueira asserted over video of Ross Perot ...

On FNC, Pinkerton Compares CNN on 'Bold' Obama to 'Stalinesque Fakery'

Picking up on how CNN's Suzanne Malveaux hailed, as "a bold display of presidential concern," President Obama hugging a woman at Wednesday's health care forum, Jim Pinkerton, on FNC's Fox ...

NBC's Todd: Palin Will Attract 'Car-Wreck Watchers;' All Call Palin Decision 'Bizarre'

Sarah Palin's "bombshell" announcement that she will resign as Governor of Alaska trumped Michael Jackson as the lead on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts Friday as NBC's Chuck Todd predicted ...

CBS Doesn't Mention Obama as Unemployment Hits 26-Year High

Unemployment in June hit 9.5%, the highest since 1983, as 467,000 jobs were lost, yet the CBS Evening News didn't mention President Obama or his "stimulus" while NBC only touched Obama's policies ...

Nets Highlight Obama's Hug at Health Forum; CNN: 'Bold Display of Presidential Concern'

Network reporters swooned over President Barack Obama hugging a woman, who has cancer and lacks insurance, at his Wednesday "town hall" on health care, as both CNN - where Suzanne Malveaux ...

Baier: Purdum's Vanity Fair Hit Piece Example of 'Palin Derangement Syndrome'

"Another case of Sarah Palin derangement syndrome has reared its ugly head," FNC's Bret Baier announced Tuesday night in citing Todd Purdum's lengthy piece in the August issue of Vanity Fair ...

CBS Frames New Haven as 'Conservative' Justices vs 'Civil Rights Leaders'

In the midst of pretty balanced evening newscast stories on the Ricci reverse discrimination case involving New Haven firefighters, one quibble: CBS's Wyatt Andrews framed the ruling as issued by ...

Oliver Stone: 'Reagan Was a Dumb Son of a Bitch' Who Spawned Bush

Film producer/director Oliver Stone declared on Friday night's edition of HBO's Real Time that "Reagan was a dumb son of a bitch" and "I really think George W is dumber," but he won't create a ...

Krauthammer on Press/Obama: 'The Hot Sex is Over, They're In the Cigarette Stage'

NPR's Nina Totenberg scolded the adversarial approach some took to Obama during Tuesday's press conference, but on Inside Washington columnist Charles Krauthammer rejected the notion the media's ...

No Party Tag for Conyers' Wife; Just 20 Secs on 'Cap and Trade' Amidst 95% Jackson

Friday night's newscasts spent 95% of their time on Michael Jackson. Only ABC reported how Monica Conyers, a Detroit city councilwoman married to U.S. House Democrat John Conyers, pled guilty to ...

Couric Trots Out Tony Blair to Defend Obama on Iran

"President Obama's response to the government crackdown has been criticized by some Republicans as timid," Katie Couric noted on Wednesday's CBS Evening News as she featured a retort: "Today, in ...

ABC Endorses ObamaCare Premise: 'The Need is Obvious'

Hours before ABC's prime time special with President Obama from the White House, a World News piece conveyed the public's doubts that Obama will achieve his goals, but also endorsed Obama's ...